
Favorite martial arts quotes?

by Guest33286  |  earlier

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What are your favorite martial arts quotes? I forgot who said this, but it goes along the lines of: "Fear not the man who knows two thousand kicks, fear the man who has practiced one kick two thousand times"




  1. Interviewer:I'm here with former WWE superstar Brock Larson.  

    Interviewee:"IT'S LENSAR, GET IT RIGHT"

  2. Do not be struck by others

    Do not strike others

    the principle is peace with out incident- Grandmaster Chogun Miyagi

    When wealth is lost- nothing is lost

    When health is lost- some is lost

    When character is lost - all is lost - Sensei Richard Kim

  3. Ahem;

    "Better to practice a single move 10,000 times, than to know 10,000 moves practiced only one time."

    Also, regarding that Ben Johnson quote; big talk for a martial artist we have never heard of before.  Assuming he's a martial artist.  First, second, when training is over under an instructor, you are supposed to be self taught.

    True story; once you learn everything there is to learn from someone in a martial art, your own your own from then on.  There is another quote, its Chinese, that says "when the master lets you out the door, that is when the learning begins."

    Also, technically speaking, its not the book or DVD teaching you anything, but the person who made it, teaching you through those things.  As a counter quote to what Ben Johnson said;

    "Better to be a fool who knows how to learn, than a well trained snob that does not."

    If the mind is not open for learning, nor a good learner, I don't give a c**p if Yang Ming, the most handsome monk, is your instructor, with that kind of arrogance even an instructor like him isn't going to help you much.

    I'm sorry but I take great offense to that quote!  When I get the chance to earn my black belt from hopefully an Okinawan teacher, I'm planning on learning on my own!  ITS WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO!

    Jesus Christ the things some people post......

  4. "Sweep the leg."

  5. CARLO I believe that was 2000 techniques.

    He who would travel the path of vengeance should dig 2 graves .One for himself.

    Revenge is a meal best served up cold.Never act in the heat of the moment.

    More graves have been dug by mens mouths than shovels.

    Even a fish wouldn't get in trouble if he kept his mouth shut.

  6. Boards don't kick back

    The only thing a belt is good for is to help keep your pants up

    Your opponent doesn't wait for formalities, he's fluid & alive

           - BRUCE LEE

  7. Avoid, rather than check.

    Check, rather than hurt.

    Hurt, rather than maim.

    Maim, rather than kill.

    For all life is precious, nor can any be replaced.

    Master Kan - Kung Fu

  8. "A fight is not won by one punch or kick. Either learn to endure or hire a bodyguard."

    "Forget about winning and losing; forget about pride and pain. Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh; let him smash into your flesh and you fracture his bones; let him fracture your bones and you take his life. Do not be concerned with escaping safely - lay your life before him."

    - Bruce Lee

  9. Be like water = Bruce Lee

    He who hesitates meditates horizontally = Ed Parker

    I'm gonna take this foot and put it on that side of your face and you know what? There's not a thing your gonna do about it.= Billy Jack

  10. "He has r****d strength"  

  11. 'He who is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.'

    -  Ben Jonson.

    'Everyone has a plan until they’ve been hit.'

    - Joe Lewis.

    'Cry in the dojo. Laugh on the battlefield.'

    - Author unknown.

    'Judge by my size do you? Size Matters Not.'

    'Do or do not, their is no try.'


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