
Favourite CFL Football Team?

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What is your favourite CFL football team? This does include the Renegades, making 9 total choices of: The Lions,The Argonauts The Stampeders The Eskimos The Alouettes The Roughriders The Renegades The Bombers and The TigerCats




  1. clemson♥


  2. Gotta go with the Wheatheads!!! They are so cool 'cause they are named after a brand of condoms. Plus their quarterback (MVP candidate) is a former DEFENSIVE BACK with the Seattle Seahawks. Respect to KJ4

  3. Long time Montreal Alouettes fan (and Concordes).  Season ticket holder who drives 330 km each way, even for Thursday evening games.

    PuckDat:  Realistically, I think your Argos will be in the big game, but the opposition will be wearing black and orange, which will make this year's Grey Cup about as exciting and one-sided as most Super Bowl games.


  5. Argos

  6. riders

  7. Toronto

  8. I like the Eskimos, even when they stink!

  9. The Eskimos, their uniform colors are to die for in Hi-Def!

  10. go argos go!

    I picking the argos and roughriders in the grey cup.


  12. B.C.Lions.

  13. The BOmbers? No, not really I like the roughrider

  14. Roughriiiiiderrrrrrrrrs!!

    Welcome to the Prarie, baby!

  15. Bombers first.....Riders second.

    It would be a dream come true to see those two teams battle it out for the Grey Cup.  I would be happy, no matter who won!

  16. Bombers, but Rough Riders are pretty good too


  18. miami dolphins

  19. Stampeders all the way and i cannot stand roughriders ever since one of my teachers liked them and kids coppied him and the stamps own this year is there time I can feel it they will at least make it to the Western finals

  20. I'm a Saskatchewan girl so GO RIDERS!!!

  21. The chances are high, you may find my opinion biased, and it is for good reason. My favorite team

    is the Toronto Argonauts. Theisman and Luster were main reasons as you read on,you'll see why.

    Once upon a time, in 1969, I was living and going to school in Dixie, a county before the birth of the city of Mississauga. The majority of the town had it's share of "concrete", however, there were more orchards than buildings. Farmhouses out-numbered townhouses. Anyway, excuse me for drifting into some historical memories before the influx, shall I say. I was at the ripe old age of 6, I was in grade 1. The biggest guy in our class was this black guy, He was a bully. We fought, and fought, for weeks, the school buzz was, "Craig an Dave" fight at recess, by the apple trees. Some days he'd win, others I'd get him, so it went for weeks.  

    THEN, once a teacher caught wind of our battle royales, she called our parents, and the two of us were forced to play together, as a punishment. It turns out he told me his dad was Marv Luster #27 and played for the Toronto Argonauts. It still didn't

    seem to matter, because I was into hockey,which

    was in most Canadian boys veins back then. It ended up me & Dave became best buddies. Sleep overs, goin' to the Gardens to Leaf games.

    One time, I was going to Daves' for a sleep over after our hockey game. By then, we both played in the M.T.H.L., on the same team. After the game, Mr. Luster drove us to Humber College. The boys from the Argos played a basketball game against Humber's best team, which ended up in a tie. The roster of the Argos back then included Marv Luster, Leon McQuay, Mel Profit,

    Jim Stillwagon, Joe Theisman, Jim Corrigall, Dave Mann, guys like that. So after having being pals with Dave, and his Dad was an Argonaut, we had so much fun, the Argos were HUGE men, except Leon. Toronto being the city of my birth, it came as no surprise who my C.F.L. team was.

    Take it easy, bud.

  22. The Riders! Gotta love they FINALLY have a home playoff game!

  23. Calgary Stampeders! :-)

  24. I knew one Ottawa fan but he got disbanded.

    I've been an Argo fan since way back.  My homeroom teacher in highschool used to return kicks for the Argos in the 70s and that's how I got interested in the league.  I have been to 6 Grey Cups in 4 different cities, even when my team wasn't playing.  Looking forward to the Green Riders coming to Toronto on the 25th to play my Argos for the cup.

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