
Fears that are wierd or irrational?

by Guest56549  |  earlier

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do any of you have fears that are irrational or really wierd or that interfere with everyday life?




  1. revolving doors

  2. yep....cane toads.....I m not as bad as I once was with them.....they came out at I only would go out if I really really had to...and only with a torch, very small steps and my heart pounding....if I spotted one I would run back inside until someone removed the offending creature  : )

  3. I'm scared of birds pooping on me... which is funny cuz it's suppose to be good luck, it doesn't really interfere with my life I just avoid birds duck when they fly near me...

    (I'm not crazy I swear!)

  4. For the past year I have beeng etting irrational thoughts that I am sick so I have to take my blod pressure about 5 times a day and check my temperature atleast once a day and I can never finish drinking something if I have left it alone and not kept a close eye on it. I am pretty sure I have OCD I will go to the Dr eventually

  5. I have the morbid fear of using my spell checker. Thats wierd!

  6. I always fear that the ground will cave in and I will fall into the center of the earth, and burn for three years before finally dieing. It is SCARY!

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