
Feed bags??

by  |  earlier

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Our 4 y/o TB is a pain in the rear to feed. He's so curious about what's going on around him, he spits his food out constantly. My husband floated his teeth and this helped a little bit but he's such a pain. SOOOOO I went and bought some feed bags that attach to his head and d**n if he hasn't already destroyed one in one week's time. He uses the weight of the feed in the bag and flips it until the latch breaks. Anyone have any suggestions on a good feed bag to use that might last longer than a week. I can't afford to keep spending 12-15.00 a week on feed bags (I will if I have too but would rather not). We have tried other methods of feeding him and nothing else has worked so this was the final method and it works when he's not breaking the bag :)




  1. have you tried rocks in his food? if he knocks it around then he has to foucs on eating so not to hurt him self.

    if so. try a feeding toy. like the treat despensers but with food. he'll play with it until he gets the idea to play and eat and foucs on that.

  2. Maybe he doesn't really like the food or it doesn't appeal to him and he gets bored. You could change his food to see if it makes a difference. Maybe try putting some garlic or other strong-smelling, tasty. appealing things in there to make him wonder what's coming next.

       Also, when he's in the field does he graze or just be nosy? It might just be his age though. Good luck with him.

  3. I got my saddler to make me a feed bag with a strap that went over the head, looped through the headcollar.  It was made with a plastic lining - bit light shower curtain material for easy cleaning.  And the material used to make New Zealand rugs with.

    ARe you sure you have not got my old horse?  I never saw another horse do that before, but no, it is not him, he died about 14 years ago.

    Only thing about the nosebag is that you will have to be around to take it off when he has finished feeding.   Otherwise like you I was very frustrated.

    Hope this helps and you have a sympathetic saddler.

  4. I also had a HQ that ate the same way,, what a mess, what a slop...anyway I got some feed bags made at an Amish tack shop,  They were made of a tough burlap, holes punched at the bottom of the wall so that no water could be held there in case he went for a drink before you got it off of him.  The strap was very wide and made of nylon with a buckle and could adjust to any length.  He soon learned that if he rested the feed bag on the ground and ate that way he could get a lot more food.  The odd time if he was feeling playful he would raise his head up in the air to get the crumbs which of course fell out of the bag, but the thing is he did eat most of the food most of the time  The burlap did take a good beating with out being destroyed.  I think that I still have one or two laying around.,

  5. Can you come up with a large, old, leaky metal water trough where he can sling his food around without losing it?  I have a yearling Quarab (Arab/QH cross) filly that does the same thing.  The old 100 gallon galvanized water trough worked for her and makes a super great feed trough.  With time, he may grow out of his playfulness...hopefully.

  6. Is your husband a vet or an equine dentist? I would have a qualified  person look at my horses teeth.

    Try feeding him in an area where he feels like the center of attention. Once my guy didn't have to worry about were everyone else is he stopped flinging his head around and loosing food.

  7. for the spiting food try soaking it before giving it to him it helps with my horses.
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