
Feeder crickets in large quantity.?

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I need to buy 250 crickets in bulk and i have a website in mind, but i was wondering what size cage/terrarium would you keep that amount of crickets in?




  1. A five gallon container would be just fine. Avoid direct sunlight, provide ventilation, and you should be fine.

    Feed them sliced oranges, sliced potatoes, or cricket formula, and let them drink from cricket pillows or sponges.

  2. Just put them in a 10 gallon tank and feed them potatos.  They will get most of their water from the potato, and they love them!

  3. I used a 10 gallon tank also.  Or a large plastic container.  I use to breed beardies.

  4. 10 gal tank would be fine. i use a big garbage can but i buy them by the thousand.

  5. Gutload

    Cornflakes (plain):  3 cups

    Baby rice cereal:  ÃƒÂ‚½ cup

    Powdered milk:  ÃƒÂ‚¼ cup

    Wheat germ:  ÃƒÂ‚¼ cup

    Alfalfa pellets (like for rabbits):  1/8 cup

    Cat food (good quality adult):  ÃƒÂ‚½ cup

    Fish food flakes:  1/4 cup

    Power treats (this is Harrison’s bird treat or can use Bearded Dragon pellets):  ÃƒÂ‚¼ cup

    Spirulina capsules:  6 (open and dump in)  

    Grind everything up into a fine powder in a food processor and mix well together.  Store in air tight containers and use as needed.      

    Then you can feed the crickets a separate dish of greens and veggies daily if you want to (but not necessary).  

    Cricket Care

    Use large Rubbermaid containers with high sides.  I use 18L x 12W x 15H for 500 1/2 inch crickets.   Cut a large hole in the lid or just leave the lid off.  You can glue screen on if you want, but I leave mine open.  They can’t climb the smooth sides.  They need lots of ventilation!  Place 2-3 paper towels on bottom.  Add cardboard paper towel or toilet paper rolls, drink holders, or egg crates for them to hide in.  Use a small shallow dish (a pet food can cover works great) to hold the Gutload (I make my own based on the recipe on  I use a small shallow dish for clean water—change daily.  Not deep or they can drown.  I think a dish works better than using a sponge or vegies and fruits for moisture.  Clean the cricket cage twice a week or more often as needed.  Simply tilt the container and they will all slide to one end.  Wipe it down with damp paper towel.  Put clean paper towels on the bottom and the crickets will climb on them.  Use a damp paper towel to wipe up any debris collected in the corner.  Replace fresh cardboard tubes and fresh food.  So far my crickets are healthy, fat, and juicy and very few die off!

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