
Feeding a 17 month old?

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My little boy is the funniest eater. He eats the majority of his food in the morning (example, today he ate his Cheerios, asked for and ate a second helping, then ate 1/2 piece of toast, 2 yogurt cups, and then shared my husband's Raisin Bran). The rest of the day he eats very little. He is always offered regular meals, but just kinds of plays with it and doesn't eat very much. (example, today he had a bite of his tuna sandwich, and half a piece of zippy fruit (dried fruit leather) for lunch, and ate a few bites of macaroni caserole for supper).

I'm also worried that he isn't eating enough of a balance. He loves anything in the bread group (cereals, crackers, breads..). For fruit he will eat dried fruit or applesauces (any variety, apple, berry, peach...), but refuses fresh or canned.

For meat, he will eat baked chicken strips and fish strips and any meat I can kind of sneak into him (ground beef in a sauce, tuna in a casserole).

I have to sneak veggies into him too, usually in pasta sauce. Veggies in casseroles he will find and spit out.

For dairy he loves milk and yogurt, refuses to eat cheese.

I always offer a variety of healthy foods, but he's just not taking.

Any suggestions? Has anyone else dealt with this? He's my second and I remember my first being picky at this age, but not this picky!




  1. No need to worry, your not the only one. I have a 22 month old daughter who still does the same thing. The doctors says most kids have their appetite during the day. My daughter will eat an island out of food before 4 pm but anytime after that she plays with anything we give. the doctor claims she healthy and very active so it cant be that bad.

  2. kids like people are different. find the food pyramid guidelines to train him now on proper food group eating. google or in this case, "yahoo" "food pyramid", lol.

    also, amazon this book: "On becoming baby wise" by the Ezzo's.

    i think they have books for different ages...if you teach them discipline now, its easier later in life, not more difficil...


  3. I have read that if you are really concerned about nutrition to try giving them Pediasure just once a week though.  My son eats everything and is a good eater  and far from picky.  However sometimes he eats more than others.  If you are concerned about the amount of veggies he is getting, try the juices that has the veggie juice in it too.  My son loves it!!!  His favorite is the Juicy Juice Harvest Surprise.  That way he can have a serving of veggies with his juice.  plus you can get Applesauce that are fortified with calcium and other vitamins and nutrients.  I would keep trying to give him fruits and veggies even if you don't think that he will eat them.  I have read that sometimes it takes the 11th time of introducing a food before a child will try it.  So keep trying and he may pick up something you never thought he would.

  4. well it sounds like he is eating so much for breakfast that he isn't Hungary the rest of the day, remember their tummies are only the size of their fist, so i wouldn't give him so much for breakfast, just 1 bowl of cereal and then a yogurt and then maybe a small snack b4  lunch, then for lunch try giving a variety of things to eat( also remember only give him one choice just cause he wont eat it doesn't mean make him something else, yeah its gonna make your heart hurt but you have to nip it in the butt now) as far as dinner goes do the same thing, he eats what you make him or nothing at all, he wont starve himself, he will eventually learn if hes hungary he has to eat what you make him, you wont make anything else,

    my daughter is 2 1/2 and she refused to eat anything, but i did this i didn't give her a choice and within 4 days to 7 days she got the idea and start eating.

    he wont eat a whole lot but if you can get him to eat at least a few bites then its ok, also try not to give him so much juice either i made that mistake and it was also not making him Hungary and not wanting to eat.

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