
Feeling too small???

by  |  earlier

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yesterday when i went to get my physical the doctor said i was 5'6 and 110 pounds. I was like "5'6!!!!!" i thought i was 5'4 and 1/2 for a long time, i feel like im too skinny and hate it!! im 17 years old and i wish i could gain some pounds and be at leats 115-120. i dont understand how i have gained almost 2 inches in just like 8 months but i did. my cousins always say i look like a model and other people too but what should i do???




  1. If that's how you're naturally built, there's no much you can do. 5'6" and 110 pounds sounds a tad bit underweight but everyone's different.

  2. First: I don't get your question. >:]  

    Second: I'm like the complete opposite from you. I'm 5'3" and weigh more than you. I would love, love to have your weight =]! Everyone's different I guess

    Third: That's sweet! People keep telling me no, you won't grow taller anymore because you're already 16, this is proof I can! Heehee!

    I know I didn't help, sorry...

  3. that was my weight before i got pregnant...i dont think i was too skinny, as a matter of fact after i have my baby i plan on going right back to that size and im only 5'5

  4. I'm so jealous of you, if that makes you feel any better.

    Just be happy, remember the grass is always greener.  You'll be one of the greatest people around if you find satisfaction in how you are and just be happy and healthy.

  5. At 17 you could still be growing! Don't get too stressed as this may cause you to loose weight.What's the rest of your family like? Are they also petite in size? Ensure that you eat properly - 5 serves of vegies and 2 fruits daily (as well as carbs & protein). You could just be blessed with a light frame. Be happy and content with how you are and you could be happily surprised with how things turn out. Guarantee there are a lot of people out there who would be love to have your body. :)

  6. i think your a tad underweight. Because I'm 14 5'1 and 110Ibs, and I'm not overweight/fat. So if I'm 3 years younger 5 inches shorter, and weigh the same i think you are a bit underweight. But who cares, it doesn't matter.

  7. ur perfect u can gain a lil if u want but no more than 15 pounds!

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