
Feeling useless.... :( ?

by Guest58960  |  earlier

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ok so im in 8th grade this year, i really wanted to be in the high classes but my stupid self is so freakin stupid when it comes to the knowledge stuff :(, do u know any sites where i could just get some help like tutoring or something that can help me get my grades better this year , its a new yer and im willing to do my best ! i do like school its just that im never good enough and right now im feeling useless so if u could just help me plz :(




  1. my skills tudor !!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. First of all, you may feel useless but you are not your feelings, because feelings change but the truth does not. Second off, maybe right now you are in the position you are supposed to be in for school. School is for you to learn, and maybe you would excel in something that you didn't feel pressured in a high maintenance class.

  3. you are not useless!!! you need to go to the school counselor and explain your problem. they should be able to get you the help you need. also while you study... no... phone , tv , music, no distractions.good luck i am sure this will be your year to excel.

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