
Feelings about abortion?

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I answered a question recently and noticed a lot of people were against it but there were a few that were for it


Why are you for it? Its killing a baby.

No need to get disrespectful, lets keep this civilized please

And people who are against it, please post your feelings&&facts as well




  1. i cant stand people getting an abortion. its like murder except a baby.  its crazy and most people getting abortions are teenagers who dont know how to use protection or keep their clothes on.  if u get pregnant and dont want the baby have it and give it up for adoption.  there a lot of women that cant have babies and would love to adopt a child(baby). i could go for hours on this subject but ill stop here.

  2. omg!

    it is soo wrong!

    its killing a baby that did NOTHING what so ever to you.

    and if your going to have s*x,

    then you should be responsible to raise a child because you always have a chance of getting pregnant.

    teen's should NOT be having s*x.

    kids these days are CRAZYY.

    its just wrong.

    doesn't get much simplier than that.


  3. i believe abortion is right in only certian cases.

    like if you were raped.

    or you baby will have a life threatening disorder.

    other than that: like if yur a teen and you s***w around and get pregnant than its your problem and you know the risks of having s*x at a young age, you know your supposed to use protection.

    but i for it but against it at the same time.

  4. That is just something I would never do! I'm pro-life!

  5. I personally could be for or against it.

    FOR: I can be for it because some people are not capable of raising a child. Or raising it like a child should grow up. A child doesnt need the responsibitlity of raising a child and for the most part would not do a great job on raising it.

    AGAINST: I can be against it because I also think it is murder. The Baby can actually feel it. That would be like having a new born and cutting the air off.

  6. I'm pro-choice.

    I think its a womans right to choose what happens with her body. I can understand why some women would get them. And I'd rather see women able to get safe legal abortions, rather that deadly, illegal back alley abortions.

  7. Why am I for it? Well it is legal for a reason. It is a necessary "evil" so to speak. It keeps women who choose to have the procedure done safe and out of harms way. It prevents even more overcrowding of prisons. It saves women's lives. By keeping it legal, woman who would choose to have it done can have it done safely. These women will still try to have one if they were illegal. Illegal and unsafe abortions killed or incarcerated women in the thousands, if not tens of thousands, each year.

    I may not personally agree with it or do it myself, but I am not one to judge someone else's decision. So, if a woman were to choose to have an abortion procedure, I would prefer she did it safely and without cost to taxpayers (If she were to go to prison, we would have to feed her. If she decided to give for adoption, we would have to feed that child if nobody chooses to adopt, which happens more often than people want to admit. [It is key to point out that I feel that adoption is NOT a reason to not consider an abortion. Adoption is another option, not a reason.] There is no way to analyze whether or not taxpayers would have to pay if she kept the child or not since abortion happens in all levels of socioeconomic status.)

  8. I think if you put yourself in that situation you have to deal with the consequences.

    Abortion is NOT the answer.

    They can always turn to adoption if they can't take care of the baby.

  9. I think having an abortion is no different then killing a 20 year old man. It should considered a crime and needs to become illegal now.

  10. It's called Pro Choice. And it defines my veiw.

    And it makes more sense than anything else.

    Scenario #1:

    Twelve year old girl is raped by her brother or uncle. She becomes pregnant. The girl is very petite and CANNOT birth a baby through her vaginal canal. A c-section is a possibility, but I doubt any twelve year old can handle it. You say, "Adoption is the answer!" or "She can give it to her parents to raise!" It's not the finding someone to care for the child, it's the emotional and physical toll it will take on her body.

    Scenario #2:

    Sixteen year old girl has s*x with her over age boyfriend (Irresponsible, yes. But it happens.) They use protection both ways, but she get's pregnant. She has a strict, religious, and very conservative family, who would kick her out of her home if she ever got pregnant outside of marriage. She chooses to get an abortion to, one: save herself from her family and two: save her boyfriend.

    So please, take into consideration the range of women who get impregnated by a range of men. Take into consideration their families, their school life, and their pride.

    I'm not "pro death" i'm pro choice.

    It's women's bodies and the goverment needs to stay the h**l out.

  11. well .. think of it this way if your parents or the parents of someobody you really love chose abortion you ... or they would never be here .. you may be killing a soul that might change the world someday ..

    thats just coming from a 14 year old .. its yalls opinion

    have a good day!

  12. I am for abortion, not as a form of birth control, but mistakes happen. I feel we should be more concerned with the millions of children already here, starving, sick, without a home before we want to bring more into the world. If you are against

    abortion, you are for higher crime and bringing more kids into poverty (Yes, there are studies showing the decrease in crime after the legalization of abortion--look at the facts). I'd rather someone terminate a pregnancy than let their child have a  crappy life. In the US alone there are over 500,000 kids in foster care! There's no need for a child's life to suck.

    We have to be real here. Not everyone will be abstinent until they want a child and I do preach safe s*x, but things happen. If you are unfit to be a parent whether financially, mentally, or emotionally, then don't keep the child! Once all of the orphaned children in the world have homes, then I'd suggest keeping the baby and putting him or her up for adoption.

  13. I have this thing were im neutral to it...

    like some preteens or teens are not fit for giveing in they might die if they did give birth which is horrible or cant even handle caring th baby inside of her.

    thats were im for abortion.

    heres where im against it if teens run around doing it and they abort every time they get pregnant and they can handle the baby its horrible.

    im more against it though...

  14. I am not against it except when some women use it as a form of birth control, or when they are further than the 1st trimester. But most abortions are in the first month or two, when the embryo is just a clump of cells. But it is the womens decision, and her body. I think it is sickening though, when a women gets pregnant, gets an abortion, and gets pregnant again, and keeps repeating this.

  15. I am very liberal with most issues but I find abortion terrible under most circumstances.  When there has been a rape, incest, or a health threat to the mother or the baby then it is excusable.  But so many girls out there use abortion as a means of birth control, and I think that is horrible.  I simply can not agree with the pro-choice side when they say that it is the woman's body and therefore her right to choose, because it is not infact their body at all, the body in question belongs to another human entirely!  Just because a baby can not take care of itsself while in the womb is no reason to say that the baby is not a human and therefore has no rights!  I am currently 38 weeks pregnany with my first, and UNPLANNED child, and I never once thought of aborting him just because I was not trying to have a baby at the time.

  16. thats y there is adoption. people are killing babies yet there are people who would kill for a baby. sounds like an even trade for me

  17. I think that abortion is a medical procedure that has been taken advantage of...abortion should only be used when having the child could put the mothers life at risk...there are so many abortion alternatives and so many people who can not have children...these people would love to adopt that child that you dont want...if you dont want it someone does...some people use abortion as a form of birth control and it disgust me...i am pro life all the way

  18. I'm not completely against it, but I've seen a lot of cases where a young girl uses it for birth control, which can cause infertility and even be fatal, if it's used over and over again. I've seen some serious cases of abuse just because pregnancy was a complete accident. If the mother had just been able to have an abortion without catching any h**l from anyone, the child wouldn't have to suffer. Abortion is killing a baby, but think about this: If a woman has a baby, then decides she doesn't want it AFTER it's born, what happens to it? Usually it's abused and beat up, drugged, mentally and emotionally destroyed, and unwated. Isn't it better that the child doesn't see all that? Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is caused from all that abuse, and lasts forever. It's a disorder that can cause serious mental problems and can lead to a life of crime. A lot of people who live with it are people who have been abused in some way, usually tragedy after tragedy from the very beginning. For people who know already that they don't want a child, abortion is the better choice if it's early in the pregnancy. Also, children who are put into the foster care system can end up in the same situation. Some children don't have a permanent home until they are a teenager. Keep in mind when putting a child in foster care, that anyone can be a registered foster parent and that sometimes children are adopted by some creep as a slave. Adoption is not always a safe haven for children and it's much better if the child is either wanted from the beginning or aborted early.

  19. In some cases, I am for abortion. There was a question on here on whether or not a 13 year old rape victim should have an abortion if she really wanted to. I was all for her having the baby and giving it up for adoption, but one person convinced me other wise. Why make the 13 year old have go to through a pregnancy when she was already raped? Isn't that enough for her to go through? Same goes for all rape victims, any age.

    As for older women (16 and up) I don't believe in abortion. They're bodies are capable of birthing the child without much complication and adoption is a wonderful way for the mother to be relieved of the child instead of an abortion.

  20. I am completely against it, but a few of my friends are for it and here are 3 reasons why:

    1. What about the people that get pregnant from rape? IT was not their choice to get pregnant, so why should they have to carry out the pregnancy if they are not ready for it?

    2.IF abortions were illegal we would have a very overpopulated society.

    3.If abortions were illegal we would have mothers as young as 11 dropping out of school to care for a baby. Then our world would have far to many uneducated humans.

    I am completely against abortions though. Abortions completely destroy a beating heart, a living creature that God so kindly gave to you. If you destroy that child you will not be blessed again. Not to say that you will never be pregnant again, just to say that you will always live in regret  of stopping your first childs heart...killing your own flesh and blood.                                                                        ABORTION = MURDER

  21. I think that, it's unfair to kill a baby. I think that if you killed a baby that was already out of the womb even if you are it's mother you're still not allowed to legally kill it, without getting put in jail for murder, and killing it while it's in there, is still the same deal. If you don't want the baby, or don't think you can take care of the baby there are many things that you can do, as far as help caring for it, and, putting it up for adoption.

  22. yes its killing the baby... but if your not ready for the baby would you rather go through 18 years of regret especially if ur young u cant ruin ur future because u made a mistake... i dont like it but if i were in the situation which im not i would do it... but its really the mothers choice and nobody should hate the person if they do it... they would probly think about it if they had the same problem...

    btw: im 14

  23. It is killing a baby that can not fight back or speak up for itself! I think if its medically needed such as the mother would die or the baby had no chance at life then it is to a certain extent acceptable but even in that situation I would choose the baby over my life if it came down to it. Studies have shown that the baby"or tissue as the heartless call it" feels pain seeing as it moves away from the saline solution injected into the mother...for this I think people should be imprisoned. And I'm sorry for all this offends BUT if you did not want to get pregnant then you should have done 1 of 2 things...either NOT HAD/HAVE s*x or LEARN HOW TO USE PROTECTION!!! People act like protection is a hard thing to come by and yet they can afford a$500 murder act on what THEY CREATED(and that is cheap from what I've heard)...these idiots who do it are only thinking of themselves and that is just how it is...there is no reason to kill that baby seeing as I was 17 when I had my first daughter and we did just fine...yes we had to get on government health insurance to handle the costs and cut back on a LOT of things to support her but it was well friggin worth it...I had my second daughter when I was 20 and same as before we made it just fine...and currently 21 and pregnant with our third baby...still gettin by! These people do it because they can't seem to sacrifice some of THEIR things to save money and support baby...or their "schedule" doesn't have any place to fit in a baby...or they are these ignorant a$$ people who just feel like they are immune to pregnancy while having unprotected s*x and then 'woohoo' they get pregnant and what is the first thing they go to?? Abortion...its pathetic to tell you the truth! IF you don't know the possible outcomes of s*x then you shouldn't be doing it in the first place! Then the ones who do not want to do adoption because they will be seen pregnant and they can't have that...Give me a break!!!

    I'm not tryin to be disrespectful I am tryin to make a point because everyone keeps justifying THEIR reasons for abortion(see the pattern here?) and I just seriously do not see a good reason to terminate a baby when the baby is more than capable of being adopted or taken care of by the 2 people who created it

  24. I am for abortion i am a liberal and no one has the right to tell you what to do with your body and in some situations it would be selfish to think you can raise a baby but then theres adoption people say, but that child IF they get adopted will know they werent wanted  

    ok so i get thumbs down we were asked our opinions and because mines not the same i get a thumbs down what soceity we live in today

  25. all I've heard from pro choicers is what about the girl she should have a right to choose when it comes to somebody elses life no you dont have the right to choose.

    edit: Gabmerk you mean to tell me out of those 500,000 foster kids not one of them would say mommy let me live if they could?  You mean to tell me out of over 500,000 not one of them will be successful?

    Fancy "Abortion is killing a baby, but think about this: If a woman has a baby, then decides she doesn't want it AFTER it's born, what happens to it? Usually it's abused and beat up, drugged, mentally and emotionally destroyed, and unwanted. "  fancy who do you know that actually lived a perfect life?  Thats no reason to kill a baby and say look on the bright side she would have just grown up to be a crack w***e, prostitute druggy anyway.

  26. definately immoral. i don't believe in it unless it's like physically impossible or fatal like if a very young girl got raped or something and there was no way she could actually have the child. then, i could understand. otherwise; it's disgusting.

  27. i am prolife because it to me is morally wrong but everyone is entitled to their oppinion and i just shared mine :P

    an 8 week old baby has brain waves; a heartbeat; and a soul.

    but most women do not know the facts of abortion making them victims as well.

  28. OK Tina, you asked with all honesty, and that's the only  way I answer.  Because of my beliefs, i am pro life.  HOWEVER, the same beliefs also prevent me from forcing my beliefs on anyone else, so i have to be pro-choice.  If i get asked what i would do, i myself would keep any shild taht was given me, whether it was a gift from my husband, or the result of a rape.  These are my beliefs, and thats how i would be if that happened to ME.  I have no right to tell anyone else how to live

  29. people...please love life....if you are for abortion then you shoud have been one of those aborted and not the very innocent babies who might become good leaders who can save the world from war and crises.......

  30. I am so toatally against it.

    1. Its Murder

    2. If you weren't prepared to have a baby then you shouldn't have s*x

    3. If you were raped some people may say everyday you will be reminded of the rape but you should truthfully be reminded of what you survived

    4. it just shouldn't be done it is so wrong and the people getting them know its wrong Just watch someone before and after they get an abortion they know what they are doing is wrong yet they still do it.

  31. I don't think abortion is right, but at the same time I think it's pointless to make it illegal. If it's illegal people are still gonna perform them. Heck, people are doing them the illegal and unsafe way already even with abortion being legal. Plus everyone has different opinions. Some people don't think it's right to eat meat, and God forbid that becomes illegal. Sometimes only that person knows what's right for them, but I still feel sorry for fetuses that are aborted. I'll do my part in being pro-life, I won't ever have one myself and I'll probably donate some money for charities to children too.

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