
Female / Male assualt?

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What is the prosecution's opinion when a female hits a male and the male hits back? Are they usually bias? I was in an incident where a drunk girl struck me at a bar for no reason. I was a gentleman about it and did nothing, but it was painful and humilating. She almost struck me again and I was thinking of pushing her, but was worried if she fell to the ground and hurt herself I could be the one in trouble. But it just doesnt seem fair. Couldnt I have claimed self-defense? If I struck back can I be charged with assualt? Does it matter who struck first? It just seems like there would be some gender bias in this incident. I talked to a few people about it and got mixed opinions.




  1. I would have punched her in the face.  Females do not get to play the gender card in physical confrontation.  Can a guy hit a girl?  Absolutely and unequivocally yes.  A few punches at the  bar usually resuults in getting kicked out, not lawsuits.

    As soon as anyone, save four year olds, hits you, you may retaliate, regardless of gender.  I was punched by a girl a year ago because she didn't think I'd hit her back.  I blacked her eye.

  2. You can have her charged with assault.  You should have called the cops.  You were right not to strike back.   There probably is still a bias that the woman is the poor victim, but if some woman is drunk and whacking men, she needs to cool down in a jail cell for the night.

  3. No you did the rigtht thing.. first of all this girl was drunk so didn't know really what she was doing.. secondly.. you as a male are physically a lot stronger.. all you need to do.. hold both her wrists in a deadlock... then she can't do anything with her hands... if she hit you once.. then let her go and walk away.. a man only has to hold both arms or wrists of a woman and she is powerless to hit him again.. whereas if you hit her there is no self defense.. you are physically stronger.. and besides she was drunk.. she didn't even know what she was doing.. the best thing is to ignore and avoid drunk people altogether.. x No she was drunk... remember that.. you can't make a drunk person responsible for her actions..  and the police doesn't come out there to deal with such things.. you are capable to restrain  her by putting her hands in a deadlock like handcuffing her.. as a guy you got that stenght in your arms without hurting her..and you restrain  her and that will make her stop... remember that she probably  didn't even know what she was really doing if she was drunk.... so don't stoop to that level.... ignore drunks as much as you can and never hit a woman.. you can restrain them... they have no chance to fight you physically... x*x

  4. AS My commander in Chief ( said by all means neccesary, defend your self, ( i am a female and I would never put my hands on some one unless i am ready to hit the floor if a male, or be scarred if female, so if you had defended your self, she had it coming, it is her excuse to behave that way until she is put in her place,

    Next time have a female with you.
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