
Female problems. what should i do?

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school starts soon and im worried that i will start when school starts. so how do you know when your about to start your period?




  1. i start anywhere from 27-34 days...try to keep track on a calendar...i always knew because ai week before i started my b*****s would get so tender and sore...and i'd start cramping a few days prior too...CALENDAR is your best bet...

  2. If you don't know for sure when you will start then you could wear those really think panty liners when you think you are getting close.  That way it won't be too uncomfortable and you would be prepared.  

  3. You will start to feel bloated and have cramps.  

  4. Im assuming youre very young still and new at this.  You will want to keep track on a calendar until you start to recognize the symptoms better.    Study what your regular cycle appears to be.

    When it is nearing the time, you might just want to use a panty liner, so you dont have to worry about having a "sneak attack" during class.

    Sometimes you feel symptoms but not always.  

    If youve yet to start.. You should see some minor spotting first.

    You will feel " leakage" and then head to the restroom fast.  

    A panty liner can be hidden in your purse quite easily.

  5. time it on the calander you wont know the exact date but you will have an idea

  6. Well usually periods start to get normal about a few years after you first start your period, so you after it gets regular you should know the time frame in which it will start. I also notice cramping and nausea about a day before I start. So if your period isn't regular yet, you could start and recognize certain symptoms you may experience before it starts in order to know a little better of when it may start.

  7. well for some people, they get cramps, get bloated, headaches, back and upper legs hurt.  

  8. wud we no?....

  9. you will start to get bad bellyache and you will feel like you need to wee when you don't if your over worried put a pad on just in case good luck we've all been there

  10. you might have some minor cramps or so right before it happens, but other than that there is no way to predict it. just keep some pads or tampons in your bag for just in case, so you dont make a mess.

  11. okay, well first, have you had your first period? are you asking whether you can tell when you're going to get your first period? because that, you can't predict. But if you've had your period, and you're asking when your next one might come, then I can help you... just remember the first day of your last period, add 28-31 days, and it will be right around then. :) good luck!

  12. well you usually get it once every month

    so keep a chart or mark it on your calender.

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