
Females Only ...?

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Would you help a male TG to go through any of the RLE and SRS experience on her road to become a woman? What help would you offer / give? What would be your limits?




  1. I would if they wanted me too - but not having gone through it myself, I wouldn't really be the best source of advice. If they were my friend, I'd give support, listen to them moan about problems, etc though.

    (The Bible doesn't mention transgender once, so don't worry about it.)

  2. no

  3. I don't know if I could be a good enough friend to take that road and be there for all the ups and downs. Even if I respected his choice to become a woman, I'd have trouble watching the pain and emotions without judging. (kind of like when I watch one of my friends self destruct their life and they don't see it coming, but I tell them, I have to try extra hard to be sympathetic when the consequences roll around)

  4. I am a 48 year old g*y guy in San Francisco and my best friend is a transgender woman who I met six years ago

    She is the most intelligent, rational, lovely person I have ever had as a good friend and sometimes I am in awe of her strength and calmness in the face of adversity.

    She is amazing and she is a professor at the University here.

    Dunno why I am saying this except for the fact that I wanted to put my two cents in that people are people are people.

    EDIT:   To Spoiledb:  Who the h**l are you to pontificate about what God says or not?

    You don't know what God thinks or decides you just dress up your own pathetic prejuduces and then lie to yourself and everyone else that those lies come from God and they come from you and your own closed mind. You make me sick. How dare you decide what God does or doesn't do and how dare you even to consider that what you think correlates with what God wants.

  5. i would do whatever i could to help a friend.

  6. Im a male so you dont want my Help. Just wanted to wish you the best of luck in everything your doing. It must be very hard to live in the wrong body. and im sorry that happened to you.

    Best Wishes to you

    - Thorn

  7. I would be happy to offer emotional support and help bring them to appointments or go shopping or that kind of thing. My limits would depend on how close we were as friends, not on their status as TG.

  8. No, because I believe in God. I believe that you should make the best of what you were put on this earth as and find a way to make notice that way. A man could never fully be a woman. It just isn't possible. I mean you can get the parts but there are so many more things. I don't help people that just can't be happy with who they are and try to make a better them, not create another person. It is no different than identity theft......of every born female.

    And as far as the God reference. I am speaking of knowing that God wants us to appreciate ourselves. If someone can come on here and ask this question and have that right, I can have the right to how I feel. And to the idiot who made this out to be so personal, if I were prejudice, I would have said something about g**s and blah blah blah which is exactly what other people are thinking. So umm, shut up and look at what I am saying, not what you assume. We need to find a way to be happy with who we are first.

  9. i would offer her a tampon. XD thanks for the 2 points

  10. is tg- trannsgender i would do whatever i could for a friend, that has to be hard to be in the wrong s*x...

  11. I wouldn't help a male TG to go through any process of making himself a woman. If GOD saw fit for him to be a woman than that's how HE would have made him. God doesn't make mistakes, people do. As a woman myself, I think it's wrong for a man to want to become one of me. What's the point? Part of being a woman is the gift of birth, if you can't do that then you're not a real woman. So why go through all the madness to get b***s! Most men couldn't handle being a woman and that's why they're not!

  12. "Females Only"

    You are a sexist
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