
Feminist Quotations?

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If all the feminists quoted on here are quoted out of context, could it not be that the things written and said about women are also out of context?

Are all the feminist remarks that seem misandrist, really just down to style and hyperbole?




  1. To be frank, I haven't seen many feminist quotations on GWS, either in or out of context.  Maybe a very few.

    I've seen many feminists stating their own views, but that's not the same things as quotations.

    Some of the feminist remarks that seem misandrist undoubtedly are about style and hyperbole, just as some of the misogynist remarks are about style and hyperbole.

    It would be nice to have a serious discussion about feminist theory here, but whenever someone starts one I've noticed a distinct absence of male participants.  The people who have the most to say against feminism don't have much to say when someone asks a question about modern feminist thought.

    I find it a bit depressing that the people who shout the loudest against feminism have so little to contribute to a serious discussion of feminist thought.

  2. Yes definitely, all of those quotes are just tongue-in-cheek remarks from those merry pranksters that feminists are known to be.

  3. Oh h**l yeah!  If many of the so called feminists here were quoted out of context or even in context with a disregard to snide or sarcastic remarks they might as well be building the island of XX.
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