
Feng Shui for my room.?

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Draw a box on a piece of paper. Label it north, east, south, and west, just as you were looking a a compass. In the bottom right hand corner, the corner of the wall pokes in. That's how the room was built. In the bottom left hand corner, on the south wall it my door. On the west wall, about an inch (on the paper) is my bed (queen matress). In the top left hand corner, on the west wall i a window. In the very corner it a lamp. On the west wll still, on the left side of the bed is a night stand. On the north wall, about half and inch (on the paper) is a dresser, then right next to that is another window. On the east wall, about an inch and a half (on the paper) is one of those really old tall mirrors. It's not placed on the wall though, it's on a stand. Right next to that on it's left is a tv stand, but my stero is on it. Right next to that is another door, and that goes to the bathroom. Then where that point comes out in the wall, in the south is a cabinet (that can be moved). Then on the south wall still, next to the entrance door is one of those really long dressers, and it goes about three and a half, three quarters or so down. I have three pictures about my bed, and one big one above the mirror and tv stand. I hope i makes sense because I need to have good energy in my room. Please help.




  1. i think it is better if you have an image of what you are describing. there are so many resources you can upload it to. you can use,, etc.

    there is no quick fix in fengshui. fengshui depends on chi/ energy (which can be good or it can be bad). this chi occupies space - the bigger your space, the more chi it contains. the problem is knowing what characteristic it has. to do that you need the fengshui techniques or a person who know fengshui. so, you can use the good to your advantage and leave the area with bad chi alone.

    in fengshui, the whole house is considered as a unit. so even you are just using 1 room in whole year, it is useless to apply fengshui just to that 1 room, bec the bad fengshui of the other parts of the house can negate the good fengshui that you have done in your room.

    most important factors in fengshui:

    - your birthdate : you can use this to get your ming kua and know what direction/ area in your house (not room) is good for you

    - the facing direction of the main front door of the house (not room), bec chi comes in here originally to go into your room. this determines the energy distribution in your house, and what kind/s of energy are in your house, and in your room. i like this method, which is flying stars, than 8 mansions (based on birthdate), bec if you live in a room which has good energy. even if you placed the bed in a wrong direction, you still will enjoy the good energy of the room.

    - how do you take the facing degree of the front main door of the house? use a compass, stand inside the house, facing the closed door, and measure the perpendicular degree, where the door is facing. fengshui practitioners use the big chinese compass/ luo pan.

    read books by lillian too, eva wong, peter leung, yap cheng hai and joey yap. i think they all are available at bookstores or at

  2. A good feng shui bedroom is a bedroom that promotes a harmonious flow of nourishing and sensual energy. A good feng shui bedroom is a bedroom that invites you, lures you in, excites and calms at the same time. A good feng shui bedroom is fun and pleasurable to be in, either you are there for a quick nap, a good night sleep or to make passionate love!

    To create a perfect feng shui bedroom, you can use a variety of simple, practical feng shui tools, such as the basic feng shui tips below:

       1. Let go of the TV, computer or exercise equipment in your bedroom. The good feng shui energy in your bedroom is destroyed when these items are present in your bedroom.

    2. Open the windows often or use a good quality air-purifier to keep the air fresh and full of oxygen . Be mindful of the quality of air in your bedroom. You cannot have good feng shui in your bedroom if the air you breathe in is stale and full of pollutants. Please note that plants in the bedroom are not good feng shui, unless your bedroom is fairly large and the plants are located far from the bed.

    3. Have several levels of lighting in your bedroom, or use a dimmer switch to adjust the energy accordingly. Good, appropriate lighting is very important, as light is our # 1 nutrient and one of the strongest manifestation of energy. Candles are the best feng shui bedroom lighting, but be sure to buy candles with no toxins.

    4. Use soothing colors to achieve a good feng shui balance in your bedroom. Feng Shui bedroom decor is a balanced decor that promotes the best flow of energy for restorative sleep, as well as sexual healing. Best feng shui colors for the bedroom are considered the so-called "skin colors", and we know the colors of human skin vary from pale white to rich chocolate brown. Choose colors within this range that will work best for your bedroom decor.

    5. Choose the images for your bedroom wisely, as images carry powerful feng shui energy. Best feng shui advice for the bedroom art is to choose images that you want to see happening in your life. Unless you enjoy being sad and lonely, do not use sad and lonely images in your bedroom.

    6. Follow the basic feng shui guidelines for your Bed, which are:

    * have your bed easily approachable from both sides,

    * have two bedside tables (one on each side)

    *avoid having the bed in a direct line with the door.

    A "good looking" and well-balanced bed is very important in creating a perfect feng shui bedroom. Good mattress, solid headboard and high quality sheets from natural fibers are also very important in creating harmonious feng shui energy.

    7. Keep all the bedroom doors closed at night, be it the closet doors, the en-suite bathroom door or the bedroom door. This will allow for the best and most nourishing flow of energy to strengthen your health, as well as the health of your relationship.

    The idea of a perfect feng shui bedroom may bring different images to different people, but they will all have one thing in common - Pleasure and Dreaming as the keywords. In a good feng shui bedroom, every item will reflect the clear intent for love, healing and relaxation.

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