
Feng shui? about doors

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i have a metal door before a white wooden door before entering my house. they both face east, what does this mean?




  1. go to the library and read a feng shui book.

  2. It means your house will get lots of sunshine in the morning! Don't read too much into it otherwise as the so called feng shui is superstition and a myth!

  3. First thing, both doors belong to the metal element, as white is one of the characteristic colors of metal. The element representing the East is the wood element. Taking only that into consideration, it is a destroying relation, as metal destroys wood.

    But you should first analyze your house with the Flying Star system, as it also depends on the stars of that particular sector. You can find all information about it here, as well as a Flying Star calculator:

  4. Well, can't tell you more than what smiling_cath already told you. You should check your home with the flying star method of Feng shui.

    Besides, Feng shui is not superstition nor myth. If you want a good explanation of what is Feng Shui, just read this
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