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I lean towards eastern religion if any, i like internal yoga. Next week Im having this room re organised by a feng-shui person, just for a change.

Have you any opinions on or experience with feng-shui?




  1. Yes what you are doingis good. I had to have them Feng-shui my bed room because the aura kept passin g th edirty sweat socks in the corner & my mouth tastedlike them every morning.:)

  2. My only opinion is that feng shui is nonsense. If you are looking for inner peace, moving your furniture around won't do much to help you.

  3. when choosing a fengshui person, it is important to note that his/ her experience in the fengshui business (or at least how well off his/ her clients are doing) is always important over his/ her lineage or who's who his/ her ancestors are.

    another thing, at the heart of fengshui are the fengshui techniques or methods; there is no such thing as clearing the clutter in fengshui or space clearing. so if he/ she tell you to clear the clutter, then that person have no idea as far as fengshui is concerned.

    next, fengshui rely on chi (or the unseen energy that your body and elements produces). chi occupies space. the bigger the space you have, the more chi it contains.

    chi can be good, chi can be bad. you need to understand that there is always yin in yang and vice versa. meaning - for example, you have a space which is very conducive for money making, the same space can be deadly to children and very old people. why? because the adult will have no time in taking care of the very young or the very old.

    if the fengshui person is really good, he/ she can shift the energy distribution inside the house by just tilting or adjusting your main door. to optimize your house/ life.

    optimizing a house/ home is very different from optimizing a work place or a store. like you like many people to enter a store, but this will mean you will have many spouses when you apply this in a home.

    fengshui usually have an effect after 2-3 weeks after the changes are made.

    renovations are always better than remeies (windchimes, bagua, mirrors), because in fengshui there is the time element, which can interact with the fengshui of the house. so when there is a bad fengshui in the house, then you place a mirror to counteract that bad fengshui. the bad thing will still happen causing accidents when the right time comes. besides, remedies only complicates things more like, a windchimes attract unwanted guests into the house like spirits; never put a bagua inside the house - this can be deadly; a bagua outside the house, facing the neighbor is bad for the neighbor, and sometimes can be sources of quarrels among the neighbors; mirrors are very complicated. mirror facing the door is like you facing death whenever you open the door, so the these 2 must not be in direct path of each other. mirror in the bedroom is not good for your sleep and is a general no-no in fengshui.

    water is a powerful element, so do not just put a fish tank just anywhere. there is a special place for it to "activate" your current water star, so money goes into your life.
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