
Ferret Dig Box Contents?

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I am thinking about making a dig box for my ferrets. I was wondering if I could use recycled paper bedding for its contents. Will that teach them to dig in their cage as well? If not paper what would you suggest? and also, how often should I change the contents of the box?




  1. You could use long grain rice or packaging peanuts..

    You could use shredded paper, it shouldnt teach them to dig in their cage but some ferrets can confuse it for a litter tray by going to the toilet in the dig box or by digging their litter tray up..

    i would suggest putting a whole in the side of the box for the ferrets to enter and put a lid on with ventalation wholes this will stop them from spilling it everywhere..

    have fun, your ferrets will love it!

  2. There are lots of things you can use to fill a dig box and generally switching the contents up every month will keep it a fresh toy for the ferrets.

    As far as recycled paper bedding, are you referring to litter like yesterdays news? If so I'd avoid it, not because they don't like digging in it but rather because it'll turn your dig box into a litter box and scooping a dig box out regularly is not fun and can get costly.

    Here's a list of some favorite dig box fillers, but of course you can and should experiment on your own. Just keep in mind that it shouldn't be anything that could be ingested and not pass easily though as a snorkeling ferret often takes a taste.

    Dirt - most popular with all my ferrets. It can be messy and my poor albino is always a shade of grey but they love to dig and tunnel in it. After two weeks of plain dirt I usually plant a small patch of cat grass in it (be sure to check a plants toxicity if you want to try giving them plants to dig up), they dig it up and destroy and it's all new fun. This does teach them to destroy my plants but sadly I can't keep a plant alive anyway.

    Long Grain Rice- second most popular in my house, probably the most common dig box filler I know of. It's important the rice not be instant as that can be ingested and swell causing a blockage. I use jasmine scented rice, it absorbs excess oil from the coat and scents my kids with a light jasmine smell that I love. Scenting rice with vanilla or something similar is easy to do, just put a few drops of vanilla extract in and it is not only good for digging but gives the ferret an extra enrichment by stimulating an additional sense. The downside of rice is that with recent price increases it can be very expensive to fill a dig box with it.

    Shredded paper - cheap & easy. If you have a paper shredder or a friend with one spend a few months saving the old bills & such and then dump the shredded bits in the box. A small home shredder will not generally shred staples and such but industrial ones will so be sure that your source is 'staple free'. Paper can also be scented to add additional fun.

    Biodegradable packing peanuts - Important to not get the styrofoam ones as they can be ingested and cause a blockage. To test the peanuts simply put one in water and see if it dissolves, this is what would happen if your ferret were to eat one and then they could pass it. Peanuts can be cheap or expensive depending on your source but they are really popular with ferrets.

    Ping Pong Balls - think of it as a ball room for ferrets. Safe and fun to tunnel and play in. I usually get a mix of coloured and white balls and throw in a few rattle balls for good measure. Lots of fun for most my ferrets but a few have really hated it, with all dig box contents you may find this to be the case as each ferret has an individual preference.

    River rock & sand - this isn't necessarily a common one but it's one my ferrets really enjoy. I make a couple levels of sand alternated with some river rock (from a gardening store). They love mixing it all up and digging down past the rocks to the next level.Like dirt sand can get dirty but they seem to really love the texture and will dig and tunnel for hours.

    Since I change my contents every month 6 options keep me in business for a long time, by time we repeat a content the kids find it all new again. Experiment with your own contents and have fun. I get a giggle out of watching the kids explore the new contents and sometimes I'm sure it's more fun for me than it is for them. :-)

  3. Hi,

    As a few have said there are many things you can use for a dig box. I use uncooked Long grain white rice and i change it about every three months.

    Your question though was about recycled bedding. I think i know the stuff your talking about i used to use it too. I suppose you could use it. I don't think it would hurt. It MIGHT though, as you suggested, encourage them to dig in the cage as well. Second the reason you change it in the cage is because it smells so if you use it for your dig box it will smell. I would not use it.

    My opinion though about that kind of bedding is it is a total waste of money. It absorbes the oils from the ferrets skin so holds the smell and encourages the ferrets to produce more oil so more smell. Also it makes a mess. They perfer things like blankets, hamocks, hanging cubes, old sweat shirts and socks. All these things can be washed and changed daily if needed so better for the ferrets and better for the enviroment.

    As the packing peanuts. IF you decied to use them make sure they are the ones that dissolve when wet so that should your ferret eat some it will not cause a blockage.

    You can use shredded newspaper but as i said it will absorb oils so will need to be changed often.

    I have one with plastic ball you can buy a HUGE bag of from wal mart for $10.

    Some people use beans, or plastic easter eggs and some people even hide treats in some of the eggs.  Balls of all sizes are a good choice.

    I have a bin filled with their toys and each night when i put them to bed i gather all the toys from around the room and place them back in the bin the next day they drag them all out and back to the hidey holes.

    I also have two cat scratching post of diffrent types and they love them. They climb on them and dig them They are great.

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