
Ferrets...what materials would i need?

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I am getting a few ferrets from an animal shelter, so I'm going to build an outdoor aviary for them, I will be providing a warm weather proof area for them. Does anyone know what type of chicken wire/mesh I could use which they wouldn't be able to bite through? And does anyone know any websites with instructions on how to build one for the ferrets?




  1. I'm afraid puting these very delecet pets out side my not be a good I dear they cn and will get through ckicken wire and even will dig a tunnel under ground to get a way they burrow that is there need and what makes them happy. they are vary smart and will find a way out of everything you put them in. I had mine in a cage she would get out so we would put a paddle lock on the cage she found another way to escape :( It took me 3 days to find her I was glad she never made it out of the house. your best bet would to use wood give it a good polish so the can't give them selve slivers. as far as keeping them from digging there way out I don't know minehas always found a way.

  2. there is a material called rabbit wire that is a very tough form of chicken wire with smaller holes designed to make rabbit pens. you can but it at any hardware store specifically Home Depot

    this should teach you how to build a ferret cage

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