
Festivals in england?

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That are safe 4 teens 2 go 2 + u can camp :)




  1. i've been to Glastonbury and Leeds Festival, and both are fairly safe and there are people of all ages there.

    There is hardly ever any trouble, everyone just seems to get along and have a laugh

    i'd go for Glastonbury, it's the best 5 days you will ever have

  2. I've been to Reading, Leeds, V (in Stafford), Trowbridge and WOMAD.

    Do NOT go to Leeds. It is rough and pretty d**n scary. There are always riots and people throw gas canisters onto the fires. Tents get trampled and the police end up hitting everyone. I went a few years back, but I was working for Oxfam so camping in the staff section. As soon as the last band finished on the Sunday, the riots started. We fled to our safe area, but the sirens and explosions went on throughout the night.

    V is very well organised and very safe. I've been twice, and I thought it was by far the best festival.

    Reading is a bit rough too- people torch the tents on the last day (although I used my teacher voice to tell them off- ha ha). I also had someone come into my tent in the middle of the night and steal my bag from under my head (I was using it as my pillow)

    Trowbridge is a folk festival, and very family friendly. Might be a bit dull, though.

    WOMAD is the 'world of music and dance' and is world music... it's very hippy (or at least it was when I went 10 years ago) and a nice scene (if you like that sort of music)
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