
Few questions about FOREX?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just doing some research and I am trying out a demo for trading,

1) I see things like USD/GBP and it says buy sell, I don't understand when to buy and when to sell. I lost 8,000 already in fake money how do I know when to sell

2) What do the numbers represent? It says USD/GBP then buy:1.53399 sell: 1.5444 I don't understand what these numbers represent and why they keep fluctuating.

3) Whats the spread for?

4) Whats the RollS and Roll B for?

5)Whats the pip cost?

6)Whats MMR?

Anything helps guys I'm 20 years old so yes I am a dunce at this and I don't know anything from the left side of the screen to the right, but its summer so I wanted to learn something new. I am taking macroeconomics just to see if it may help me. Do you think also think working at a bank might help?




  1. forex is a lot too complicated for beginners. its quite mind boggling to understand the terminologies being used. it will take more than a page to answer your questions.  

    Register to this site and download a Free Ebook.  If you want a personal approach to educate yourself, for a minimum deposit of $100 which you can also use to trade later, you can speak live via phone, email or chat to a personal Account Service Manager who will serve as your mentor and will answer all your technical questions.  you can then take this opportunity to ask everything you want to know about forex.  being an expert forex trader himself, your ASM will be your best resource person and he will even trade along with you so that you will get to familiar yourself about how the real trade is done and give you the tips and tricks you need to know and do to achieve a profitable forex dealing.

  2. if u play forex just for fun.....i cant help u dude, but if u take forex seriuosly.....visit my blog and try to make a contact with me.

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