
Field hockey conditioning too hard?

by Guest34372  |  earlier

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Last year, I played in a club team for field hockey at my school. This year the team decided to advance to a JV level. I decided to go ahead and join the new team.

The problem is conditioning. I'm a terrible runner, I've never been able to run for a mile straight in my whole life. I can barely make one lap around the field without stopping, and we're supposed to do 2-3 every day. I've always dismissed my running problem as being out of shape, but I'm starting to think I really have asthma. (I'm not going to go into my symptoms here, I'm seeing a doctor soon about it.)

I can do every single drill or skill practice the coach asks us to do. I can do suicides, grape vines, any short interval running at all if I just have a minute to catch my breath in between. Its just running for a distance that gets me.

The coach really isn't thrilled by me. He made a comment to me that I probably shouldn't be playing if I wasn't able to run like everyone else. Its just a JV team, we don't even have tryouts or anything. I play well in games, and I can do all of the drills just fine.

Its embarrassing and frustrating to have to hold everyone else up. What can I do about this? Should I quit? Should I just do my best and not worry about it? Am I being unfair to the team by being out of condition?




  1. Commit to getting better.  There is no reason for you not to be able to complete the runs.  Just slow down a little bit and take it step by step.  Keep telling  yourself "just a little longer".  You CAN do it.

  2. really what u should do is start doing other things, such examples are try swimming instead of running to get into shape, swimming long distances will help ur cardiovascular system get stronger to help u run father distances without getting tired. I have the same problem, my knees cant take the punishment of long distance running so to get ready for tennis i do swimming like a month before the season, get creative and u can find better ways im sure that u are more comfortable with

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