
Fighting at school problem?

by  |  earlier

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they got this fat, no neck, sorry son at my skool that keeps wanting me to fight him. i know without a doubt that i'll beat his @$$, but i cant afford getting suspended cause i dont wnna hear my mom nag about it and i'll get kicked off the football team. we take 1st & 2nd hr together (and of course lunch which is 5th hr) he calls me names and i clown him back and thats the most i do. he pushed me today and if i was gonna push him back i knew i would hurt him...

what should i do to get him off my back?




  1. i would ignore them until they give up. or tell a friend or someone who would rather beat him up,o tell a teach or something so you wont get in trouble if anything does happen.

  2. well this is a tough question because it looks like you can't really avoid the person. If it were me I would take him after school where the school can't do anything about it. otherwise JUST ignore him and don't let him get the better of you because just remember if you fight him you will lose in the long run and get kicked off the football team and he'll be the one laughing and you will be the one regretting. So just keep strong and ignore him but if he pushes you then its self defensive.  

  3.   Well if you went to the teacher or principal or any authority figure like your parents you would be the bigger person by a long run, but at the same time it will not be the best path for you because you may feel like you "gave in".

      But since he pushed you today it seems like he wants to fight really bad, there is something called "self defense", I am not trying to tell you to fight don't get that idea, just if he pushed you first, then the chances are you will not be suspended for fighting him back because he attacked you first, so this way you can beat his butt and not get suspended. Hope this helped, Good Luck, God Bless, and Have a Good Day.

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