
Fighting with my mum?

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The last few months have been h**l for me. I've just got my gsce results which ive been so worryed about moving school if i dnt get the grade. My boyfriend being away and my mother arguing with me like never before.

sorry abit long and most likly doesnt make sence but plz help

The trouble is me and my mum are too close she's got into the habit of knowing too much .. she knows everything about my relationship and always makes out that my boyfriend with chuck me anytime soon. when i no for a fact that he wont i no im only young i understand it wont last forever but who knows. But she just has such a negative field around her. The other day as im a teenage i have a pimple on my chin. and she said im 'LETTING MYSELF GO' in a degusting look.

i dnt have a job as i crnt find one but ihave to clean the house while shes a work .. example. clean kitchen hoover house. ironing pile walk dog. ive forgotten to do a couple of these jobs like 4 times out of the whole summer and she goes mental.. and she came back home once and said she crnt stand the sight of me and get out.. so i was left to find somewhere to stay that night.. my father doesnt gett involved but hes so loyal to my mum and sometimes scared as shes a stronger person doesnt look at my view.. ive starting 6th form and if this carrys on im going to be totaly stressd out. Its really hard to explain but things she does are just outof order and i no your all going to say it will blow over but this has happen for a long time.. i really need some space.Even my boyfriend says stuff when i dnt notise it. as we went out for a family meal and certain things she says.. she got really drunk and she alowed to have fun . but she got to the state where she was the worst there and saying stuff to my boyfriend which you just done say . and she was making out she was something she wasnt. but i havnt said anything about that to her as i no it will make things worse.. but my boyfriend and his family notise it.. im so glad ive got them as when i go over they i can just chill out and talk to them .. but they dnt get too involed like my mum does... any help or views..i just crnt cope with stress. .. thanks you




  1. she's just worried about losing you. Which is why she is doing what she is. She cares about you. Be patient hopefully things will get better.

  2. just remember 1 thing you only ever have 1 mum in this life,and i can realy sympathise with how u feel,ur at that age now were u def need ur own space and dont need ur mum there 24/7 on your back etc the best advice anyone can give you is to sit and talk to her she probably doesnt even realise that shes getting you stressed out like this if she does she will probably think its not her parents can be very controling,very domaniting but you cant change them if it was me i would just ignore half of what she says  
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