
Film- Mamma Mia?? :-)?

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Have you watched the film Mamma Mia and what did you think of it?? :-)




  1. I have seen it. I liked it, although it was a bit cheesy. I found myself cringing sometimes at all the singing. But overall its a fun film and is worth seeing.  

  2. If you have a female in your life, aged 30 or over, there’s a fair chance she’s currently in a bit of a lather about Mamma Mia. If you’re a male, aged 30 or over, there’s a fair chance you’ve been coerced into seeing Mamma Mia by said female. And if she hasn’t managed to talk you round yet, hold firm my friend, for these are two hours of your life you will never get back.

    In fairness, it’s quite possible I’m not the target audience here. However, I yield to no man in my appreciation of ABBA’s mastery of the pop idiom, so don’t say it’s because I’m not a fan. But did these wonderful yet unconnected songs really deserve shoehorning into a format that (barely) fits the narrative, leading to bizarre tangential diversions like the Does Your Mother Know routine to name but one?

    Much has already been made of the dubious, sub X-Factor-audition singing talent on show (sorry Pierce, you’re not coming to London), and the film suffers irreparably as a result. Surely, the joy of ABBA’s music was always that wondrous alchemy of the girls’ soaring voices set against lush, technicolour productions. Deprived of the songs’ true majesty, much of Mamma Mia simply sounds like a bad SingStar party (and I should know).

    So call me an old misery guts, but Mamma Mia’s inferred euphoria and joyfulness was so contrived, so painted-on, so exaggerated that it felt like being told to smile for the camera then waiting an hour for the flash to go off. Take my advice, dear reader, and celebrate ABBA as nature intended – buy ABBA Gold, then More ABBA Gold, then Arrival.

    Thank ABBA for the music. Thank f*** the movie’s over.

  3. I saw it and I thought it was great, can't wait to get it on DVD!

  4. Loved it!  Wasn't expecting to like it soo much, now I've caught myself dancing around the house with the soundtrack while doing the housework, even my 2-year-old can sing along! lol slightly obsessed with it

  5. yep, I saw it at the cinema a couple of weeks ago and I thought it was great!!!! :)  I started singing along to some of the songs. lol  

  6. yes twice and i loved it - i really love abba  and i liked it even more the second time - the lead girl is really amazing

  7. It's good but cheesy. I enjoyed it more the first time i watched it.

    Sweeney Todd is better though = ]

  8. I absolutely HATED it!! I went to see it under protest and I swear it's the closest I've ever come to walking out of a film.  It was ridiculous!! It was badly acted as well - what were Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth thinking??? It was a tired parody of a musical and ridiculous excuse for a movie.  The only character I didn't want to throw things at was Bill.  

  9. oh my god the film rocked..better than i thought!! it was a bit cheesy but I nearly wet myself laughing so much :) julie walters is a legend and she made the film  

  10. Loved it!

    I went with four girlfriends and we had a great time.

    We laughed alot, cried a little, sang along to all the songs and had a ball.

  11. loved it!  

  12. Loved it!!!

    I read a review in newspaper supplement and which said it was 'decidedly average' but they are wrong!

    A bit cheesy in places but go see it!!

  13. i watched it.. it was better than i thought :) i enjoyed it lol x

  14. i watched and loved it i was really suprised

  15. i have seen it 7 times!(i have a movie pass btw) i love it,but i have always loved Abba songs is really funny and leaves you feeling light hearted.i love it!

  16. I though it was great if you like musicals!!

    I didnt like though, how they just randomly broke into song!!

    Like with Hairspray, you could tell a song was coming, but in Mamma Mia, it was very, like, BAM!!!! They would start to talk, and instead music started playing!

  17. Its ok but really cheesy and it looks like they wrote the entire script round the Abba songs!! The lead is ok at singing but could be much better and I think they probably chose her for looks :s Its great if you want loads of cheese, and they do a sing-along version as well lol. I'd only watch it once because the plots sooo stupid i wouldn't forget it in a hurry!!! Some of the choreography is quite good, and I like the way they have changed some of the song words to fit the film. Worth watching, but only for a cheesey movie.x.

  18. i've seen it i thought it was really good but personally the end sorta ruined it for me cos it was slightly too cheesy but it was still a great feel good film

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