
Filming me during s*x...lost tapes!!?

by  |  earlier

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My ex bf used to set up a camera in the corner of the room when we were having s*x, and ditched me at 'key' moments to check the film was good and take the filming (and me lol!) from different angles. My problem is I don't know what he did with these films, he never suggested watching them with me...have I been very naive :(




  1. I would check youtube if i were you.

  2. He stopped to change the angles? What a pro!

  3. Bad idea. Yes, you were being very naive. I would ask him if I were you and hopefully there not being posted all over the internet.

  4. It sounds like it's a good thing that he's in the past if he was using you to make p**n films without your consent or maybe you gave your consent. Is there any way you could ask him what he did with them? You couldn't have known what he would do with the tapes unless he tells you or you ask. Maybe it would help you to be a bit more forward in asking questions and finding out things that you need to know rather than going along with stuff you're not happy with.

  5. He is getting paid and all you got was la*d!!

  6. Didn't you ask yourself "Why is he filming this"!?

  7. thats not good... just watch online... i bet it will end up online.  but make sure ur over 18.  lol he can be in big trouble if not...

  8. Have you checked You Tube?  LOL!  I promise, they aren't "lost."  This is going to be really embarrassing for you if they show up.  All you can do is keep your chin up.  It happens, unfortunately, but life will go on.  

  9. Yes, you have been very naive

  10. Youtube here you come!

  11. question: you let him film you and then bugger off at "crucial" times to check it was working....?

    maybe if he filmed it one time then that would be ok, kindy fun, but if he did it all the time, you will probably find that you are going to have a problem with the net or something. He seems quite into it fom what you said (tape..S) so you may need to contact him and check what he has done with them. you can never be too careful with that kind of thing. Some blokes do it just to show their mates...or he may be doing it cos he is a little obsessed with p**n or something...

    just contact him and ask for the tapes.  

  12. Just be will come back and bite you in the butt.Maybe not today,tomorrow,or next year. But they will eventually surface.

  13. Don't worry love

    All you can see is his hairy backside

    : )

  14. Yes I would assume so. Did it not occur to you at the time to cover your own back and make sure the tapes never left your care

  15. Ooh dear...silly silly girl - yes he will have shown them to his mates and possibly put them on the internet.

    I cannot believe you were so dumb.

  16. yes theyre probably all over the internet know, and on limewire titled my ex girlfriend.

    and he showed them all his mates.

  17. Ha Ha naive is an undertstatement! what did you think he was gonna do watch them when you went home? Sorry hun but I think you might be famous already on the internet. what a freak getting up midway through!!!

  18. Yes, lol, expect to see you on any time soon..

  19. I hope he wouldn't do that. But he could have.

  20. what can seem like a harmless idea at the time can turn out into something very dangerous!!! I dont want to frighten you but only god knows where these tapes have made their way to!!!

    If you're still in contact with your ex Id suggest asking him what he did with them!!


  21. Yeah that was kinda stupid. Contact him and tell him that you are going to call the police if he does not hand them over - however as you consented to being filmed, this could be a problem. I have heard of cases like this before and usually you can get the tapes. Good luck, don't do that again

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