
Finally going back to work!?

by  |  earlier

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I am going back to work after 9 months of bedrest and 6 months of being a SAHM, I am a NICU nurse. My mom will be watching my son.

Now my mom had me very young, she is currently remarried and has a 1 year old of her own and is also 12 weeks pregnant (she is 44 years old). My problem is we do NOT have similar parenting styles at ALL! I am pro attatchment parenting and don't allow my son to really *need* for anything. I have had many conversations on how I don't agree with her older style of child rearing. She just tells me that she has raised 4 children that turned out successful.

How do I STERNLY yet kindly let her know I want things done MY way?




  1. I dont quite understand what you mean by not allowing him to *need* anything. To my understanding, children need a lot of things, clothes, food, love, safety, education....but i must be missing what you mean by that. Anyway, if you dont agree with her, then simply tell her that it is important to be consistent with your parenting. If it doesnt work and you are still uncomfortable with her child rearing, then find someone or someplace that will accomadate you. But all childcares have their own rules as well. I am a nanny myself and i care for them as they are comfortable with, so if that is in your budget then maybe its for you. I also think that if you trust your mom enough to consider her caring for your child, then you must know that he will be safe and loved.

  2. She won't do it your way, so you're going to have to deal with it, or look for a different sitter.

  3. She has to treat your child the same way she treats hers.  Perhaps you should find another caregiver that will be more in tune with the way you want things done.  She will give your child lots of love and that is something you won't get from a regular paid employee.

  4. Do you really think your mother wil do anything to harm your child.  What do you mean not need for anything.  What happens if you need to go to the store and the kid doesn't want to go

  5. If she is watching your child for you, then it's HER way.  I think your mother has an inkling how to take care of a child.  If you don't like it then get a daycare provider to watch your child (and they will probably charge A LOT more) and they will tell you what THEIR rules are..

  6. Your mother is going to do it her way whether you like it or not.  My mother in-law watched my kids when they were little and she did things her way which were not my way.  But she loves my kids and they love her.  I just had to deal with it. She was not putting my kids in any harm and the kids knew that when they came back home at the end of the day it was back to my way.

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