
Finch Question...? Again!?

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I have two finches, male and female. My male is Carmel and female is Strawberry Short-Cake. What percent chance is it that they will lay eggs? How many years will they mate? I want to know this because my mom says it will be my responsibility to take care of them. I want to know how many baby finches I will most likely get a year. They are Zebra Finches.

Also if they have the same main-color, how much would they cost if I sold them?




  1. Zebra finches mate like rabbits! The mother lays little tiny eggs that look like tiny, tiny white jelly beans. She doesn't start sitting on them until she has laid all of the eggs called a "clutch". The babies all hatch at the same time.

    Usually, the moment the clutch has fledged out of the nest, the mother lays a new clutch! So, it is good to take the nest away for at least 1 month to give her a break.

    You should make sure that you provide fresh spinach, Swiss chard and smashed up hard boiled egg (shell and all) to keep her calcium level high as forming the eggs depletes her body of calcium.

    Call your local pet stores to see if they will buy them from you. The going rate is usually about $5.00 a piece. This will depend on where you live.

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