
Finches just laid eggs! Please help?

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Ok, we have just our male and female finch not to long ago, and we just noticted there is an egg in the nest. We have some special food for the mom, and we THINK it was laid this morning, my stepmom heard more noise then usual from them, and they were ripping paper from the bottem to put in the nest. We got more nesting material.

anyways, tips anyone? we dont really no what to look for or how long until we no if they are fertile or not?

Also is it possible that she could still about to lay?





  1. ummmm its possible she could lay more and just watch over them and and and ummmmmmmmmm they dont hatch so fast dont worry i think the mom will keep it worm ;] and and just make sure its safe! think as if you were a bird and you layed a egg think birdlike o_o oh well congratz hope i helped ;]-issy

  2. You can go to the pet shop and buy some nesting inside a box you hang on the cage and they pull it out making their own nest. If they just laid eggs leave them alone other then to feed and water them right now. They know what they are doing and if you leave them alone for a few months they will have babies for you. Like they are trying now. Just keep alot of fresh seed and millet spray out for them found at the pet shop too.

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