
Finding past yahoo featured articles?

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Is anyone else frustrated with how impossible it is to find past featured articles. I saw one yesterday I wanted to read but I didnt have time. Now it's not on there and I can't find it. I even know the title but it is nowhere to be found.

If you have a link i would appreciate it... it was called "Turn online fliting into offline dating"




  1. This is a rare situation when the client calls the design.

         When searching there are pop-ups occassionally that

          ask mini surveys.  You may have filled these out.  When

          the questions were are you satisfied with the response,

         sites and web address you receive is shown this is when

         the Yahoo people fill in updating peoples preference.  A

         good example is what if you are a pet doctor and there is

           very limited information available, and you need it now.

         So search generally by our own choice is quite a serious

        list of possible interesting answers.  To target search is

        trained in college courses, and in your search you need to

        add these pointers.  1. If it involves you want services,

        such as dating, scholarship, or security you can add But

        to the search word.  2.  If it involves very exact articles,

           you need to try this under index.  You type in dating

         article index and keep trying the exact date also.  This is

        quite specific and requires a library computer to be online

        to give you index level info.  3.  If you want to read all those

        related articles for that writer on that subject, you can type

        dating but not flirting (name).   Depending on your isp and

        performance history has some relation to your search, so

        having a good record of using search information wisely is


  2. Yes, I have the same problem.  I wish Yahoo would tell us the answer!

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