
Finger sprain help??

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I was playing dodgeball w/ my friends at school using a soccer ball (The chelsea soccer ball).Then,She threw it hard and i was about to catch it when it hit my middle finger and my middle index.Now,Its all sore and i cant move it too well.I can bend it but it kinda aches and i dont know what to do.It kinda has a bruise on it and it cracks every time i bend the middle one.I'd have to say that the middle finger is the most injured.Both are bigger than my other fingers a bit.I put ice on it and i made a cast-like thing using popsicle sticks and tape.But it still hurts pretty bad.What should i do to make it stop??Im worried its more than just a sprain.Im thinking it got dislocated or something. If your wondering where i live,I live in the philippines so im in the middle of the school year right now.



Its been there for about 2 days and it got better...i think.




  1. If you had dislocated it, it would hurt a lot. And you shouldn't be able to move it (in that case). If it just hurt but showed no other symptoms really, I would've said a sprain. However, bruising is usual a sign that something has broken, especially in the finger. I'm assuming your finger isn't bent funny (doesn't need to be set), so you can either go to a doctor or school nurse or you can splint the finger (I only recommend this if you can't access a doctor or other medical professional).

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