
Finish this sentence...?

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i was walking down the street one day when all of a sudden...

10 points to the most creative answer!!!!




  1. yesterdays knickers fell out of the bottom of my trouser leg.


  2. ford prefect appeared with a babel fish.

  3. A police car stopped next to me and the"officers" lowered the window.......

  4. a commotion began.

  5. I noticed that all the men were naked!... he he he

  6. A giant llama and his firend the giraffe asked if i would like to occapany them in seeing the production .... "Sunflower growing ON ICE"  

  7. I was walking down the street one day when all of a sudden...

    a dark shadow crept across the street shivering uncontrollably, frightnened of something, somewhere in the abyss of the deafening silence!

  8. ...........a lump of black pudding hit me square in the eye!

  9. When i realised i was in love!

  10. i saw a hot chick and i was oblivious to the fact that i was about to walk into a pole

  11. this square inch of skin near my belly-button started itching!

  12. i realised i was dreaming and woke up  

  13. I realized I could fly!!

  14. ..i saw a friend "hey frankie, do you remember me"?

  15. .....I realized I was walking down the wrong street, in the wrong town, in the wrong state and wondered, where am I?

  16. I wet myself.

  17. i actually saw a chicken cross the road

  18. I stopped.

  19. I fell over a small toad. It apologised but explained that I had to be reminded that "When near a road, watch out for the toad"

    I said "Cheers"

  20. ...the whole place darkened and as i raised my head to the sky, in great disbelief, i saw a greyish town-sized saucer slowly spinning and  descending with an ever-increasing drone that made all  my hairs bristle!

  21. i saw a lady drive by and it looked like she was sitting on her gear shift.................

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