
Firefighters don't eat bacon...?

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Is it true that firefighters don't eat bacon, because human flesh smells like bacon when they are burnt?- little bit scary hey?




  1. ive seen  and smelt human flesh ... and it did remind me of a cooked pork joint

    no offence

  2. 1)  I know plenty of firefighters who eat bacon

    2)  Burned human flesh does NOT smell like bacon.  Bacon smells the way it does from the salt curing process.  Humans are not salt cured meat.

  3. I know some firefighters who do eat bacon. The rumour may have some validity, but it is not universal.

    Humans are in many respects comparable to pigs, and particularly in terms of cooking/burning flesh.

    Most of us do not encounter the smell of burning human flesh often enough to recognize this. But firefighters and welders will have had this experience. (for welders it is often ones own flesh burning.) (I was a welder back in 1964)

  4. We eat it at my station, but only when the budget comes through.  The rest of your question is in too poor taste (no pun intended) for even me to go into... sober anyway.

  5. I think it's because well something like the song by tamon and pumba in the lion king movie " Are you achin for some bacon you can be a big pig too "  yes firemen need to be in good shape to do their job

  6. I cant really say but it is a awful sight when you see servere bodies that have been burnt when they are black all over or just a pile of black ashes.i know firefighters are dedicated forces but i couldnt take on that job and see things like that,it wouldnt  make me scared or sick i would just fall apart and cry.

  7. Burning human flesh smells nothing like bacon.

  8. that is not true

  9. Where did you hear that from .On my watch we had to have our bacon rolls every day if by chance we did get the stench of human flesh up our nostril when we got back to the station we would have a cheese and onion roll. But human flesh when burnt does not smell like bacon ,it has a sweet smell a bit hard to describe I hope you never encounter it . bye

  10. We make bacon for sunday brunch every week

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