
First birthday parties?

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could somebody please explain why so many parents want to break the bank on a huge celebration the child will NOT remember? We held small birthday celebrations with just the grandparents for my childrens' first birthdays. But I see tons of questions asking where to hold the parties and what to do. It doesnt make sense to me so someone please explain it. Im not looking for a fight or judging because honestly its your choice but why do some feel the need?




  1. I have to agree with you.  For all three of my kids, for their first birthdays, we just had a small family party (just immediate family and grandparents) at our house, just a cake and opened presents, thats it.

    Never mind the expense, I think its extremely overwhelming for the child.  At age one, all they really care about seeing is their parents and any family members they are really close to.  Lets face it, if you throw a huge 1st birthday party, its for the parents, not the child.  the child is not getting much out of it and won't remember it.

  2. I kinda agree with you - I can't afford to break the bank on a first birthday, but I will definitely have some sort of a party.  Probably at a local restaurant with my close friends and family.  My son is the first baby for my family in the past 30 years, lol, so it's a big deal.  

    But - what I don't get is the fact that I get slammed by other people on YA (not you) that I want to have a party at all.  People have put me down because I asked whether I should have Mickey Plates or a Monkey theme for my son's birthday.  They said why even have a party at all since he won't remember it?  I think a first birthday is a big deal, not only for my son, but for me!  I should be celebrating that I made it thru his first year without dying of stress, lol.

    I don't know.  I guess to each their own.

  3. I was the same way with my son. His first birthday we bought him a small cake and just went to the park with my parents. He played in the water and ran around but he had no idea that the day was special. I think most parents do it to show off that they can throw a killer party. Just because you have money and can throw a party doesn't mean your kid will know what was going on that day. When my son looks back at his pictures of his first birthday do you think he is going to say "Why didn't you make it bigger?" no, i don't think so, I think he will look at the pics and see that we had a fun wonderful day with family.  

  4. Very insightful Shradel...

  5. I think it's dumb.  For my first child, we had a party, but it was with his cousin, whose birthday is a few days before his, and we only had the family there.  People who throw parties and invite friends I just don't understand.  It is for the parents.  Or maybe they just want lots of presents for their little one.  With the others, we've lived too far from family to have anyone over, so it was just us, a cake and one or two gifts (why even bother with gifts for children that young--they don't even care!).

    At any rate, if you're going to throw a party for your 1-year-old, why not throw one at a time when he/she isn't supposed to be napping, then you wouldn't have the whole falling-asleep-during-the-party problem.  Seems like a no-brainer to me.

  6. Easy..we love our kids and want to have a party for them! I didn't "break the bank" by any means but I invited friends and family to my kids' parties. We had food and cake and favor bags for the kids. It was a good time and it was nice for everyone to see the kids and for me to show them off. It isn't everyday that family from out of town come to see them. So it is a good excuse for that too. I don't know. I will have photos of them on their special day that will last a lifetime! I have my birthday photos from my first birthdays. They are special to me and although my Mom didn't go as big as me it is nice to look at grandma holding me in her lap and my cousins as children with me playing. Not everyone has to do it....but for those of us who do it is a fun day!  


  8. LOL, good question.  I was one of those "break the bank" parents for my son's first birthday.  We had the cookout, the guests, the presents, the cake.....and he fell asleep in the middle of it.  :)  

    I don't know why I did it or why other parents do the same.  I suppose it's because it's one of those milestone "firsts".  I'm sure I'll have a little shindig when my daughter turns one as well, but it won't be like my son's.  I'm sure she'll end up napping half way through it either way.  Maybe we'll just do immediate family only and some cupcakes for fun.  Good question though, I'll star it.

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