
First day of school-tomorrow!! helpz!

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ok, so da 2st day of skul is tomorrow. n ok im a lil nervous lol

um ok heres ma problem

k, i have to walkfrom ma moma work dis year to ma skul, its a few blocks away not a long walk. um bt im nervous cus like wat if i get to skul, n i dnt c any of my frnds n i jus walk around like a lil r****d? so im nervous about dat. nd ikno im not gona b able to sleep cus im nervous nd excited n ohh jus help plz? thanks lol

i kno its kinda stupid bt im kinda stupid sumtimes lol


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  1. Wow. School for you already? Mine isnt for another 20 days. Anyways, don't worry you will probably see someone you know. Even if you don't right away, there will be other people in the same position as you so you won't look like a r****d. Just be calm and cool and everything will go fine. Best of luck.

  2. call or text a friend and ask them to walk with you or to meet you somewhere before you walk into school. everyone is always nervous but its never a big deal you dont need your locker (usually) and teachers are outside the door directing students. basically the first day is just about standard procedure. im sure ull be fine. good luck

  3. do you know how to spell?

  4. Im really glad tomorrow is the first day, make sure you pay attention in english.

    but seriously I used to get so worried about that, but me and my friends set a place that we would meet so none of us would be alone, and if you do end up alone just sit in the bathroom til the bell rings


  6. You made it to high school with grammar like that.


    And i thought the education system was going down the toilet. But not THAT bad.

  7. uh.. yeah i got the first few sentences, then it kinda started to hurt my eyes! if your an A,B, student, i would recommend enrolling in a better school. it doesnt take very long to type in english!

  8. My advice....make sure you get to school tomorrow and pay close attention in spelling class!

  9. I'll come back and help you if you type this in real words. I can't read it, sorry.  

  10. it took me forever to read/ understand this. i hope you get alot of spelling help this year. do you have a cell phone? call them and ask them where they are or call them the night before and plan a place to meet. you can also have them meet you so you guys can walk together

  11. make sure you pay attention in english because goddamn you need it ....... rofl

  12. Hmm... Just be normal about it. Don't worry about anything. just pretend like its any other day of school. At night try to not think about it. Why be nervous anymore its the second day right?  

  13. Ask your friend to meet you somewhere

  14. Bring a cell phone so you can call your friends and meet up with them.

  15. Text/call your friends and arrange a place to meet before school. Don't worry about walking around "looking stupid", just strike up a conversation with anyone who looks familiar. Everyone's feeling the same way, relax.

  16. If your worried about walking around like a "lil r****d" you might want to stop typing like one first. Seriously pay attention tomorrow in school. You obviously need it.

  17. Wow, I'm glad you're going to school tomorrow because you really need to learn how to spell/type.

    In regards to your question, GET OVER IT!! So what if none of your friends are there, go make some new ones or go and find a nice sunny spot and sit and wait for your mates, I don't know.  

  18. don't worry about anything except getting to english class and learning how to spell right

    seriously, i didn't understand a single thing you asked

  19. dude, learn how to type correctly.

  20. yea i almost injured my self trying to read that. but how about you call your friends tonight and ask them to meet you a specific place. like by a certain wing of the school or something, or if they live near by walk to their houses and pick them up and walk together  

  21. call your friends and ask them to meet you in a certain spot.

  22. call your friends in the morning and plan on meeting in a certain spot at a certain time. that's what i used to do. or have your friend walk with you.

  23. wow you do need to go to school. i really couldnt understand what you were typing.

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