
First days as cashier?

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I just got a job at a grocery store as cashier

Yesterday i got trained all day then near the end, the girl that was training me threw me in with the customers! I was so nervous!

Anyways today I'm going to be thrown in again with the customers longer! I'm nervous! Can someone make me feel better? SOmeone who has worked as a cashier

Any storys about your first days as cashier?

Funny storys :)




  1. i worked in retail when i was 16yrs and on my first day at the store, my boss trained me on cash, and within an hour she threw me in w/ the customers too,and i messed up so many times , i wanted to leave and never come back, but with time i got better and better w/ learning all the tricks and trades w/being a cashier,. the worse was returns, and exchanges, then i had to get a gift card for someone during the X-mas rush, my god that was hard, but like i said with time,you'll become a pro at it,trust me,just hang in there.Congrats anyway on your new job!

  2. There is no reason to be scared!  They have to throw you into it, because that is the only way you can really learn.  When you watch someone else do it, you don't really learn well.  Just try to be confident and if you mess something up or feel like the customers are getting annoyed with you, just apologize, tell them it is your second day, and smile.  Then they will understand!  Good luck...soon it will be so easy you won't understand why you were ever nervous!

  3. It's all ways like whenever you are doping something for the first day. You'll see how good you'll be at it today.

    Good Luck.

  4. That's so normal - don't worry. Just remember to focus on the customer you're waiting on, smile, be friendly and if you make a mistake apologize and explain that you're new. I cashiered at a grocery along time ago and remember one old coot complaining about the price of a box of cereal, to which I replied, I don't make enough in 1 hour to buy that box of cereal. He couldn't believe it, but it was true. Min.wage here at that time was 4.25 and the cereal was 4.85. It sure shut him up. Most ppl are pretty nice but you will get the occasional jerk- just don't take it personally. You're gonna do great!

    lou11 has a good point - whenever a customer hands you money, repeat the amount back to them ....when they hand you a $20 bill, say "out of 20?"..that way when you give them change they can't say  'hey I gave you a $50'

  5. Just stay calm and be friendly to the customers. Take your time with the money and always count back the change to the customer. Not trying to scare you but some people will try and trick you with the money so if you get confused always call your manager. Good Luck I am sure you will do fine my first job in high school was a cashier in a grocery store and I really enjoyed it.

  6. well i worked as a cashier for a while and the person that was training me trained me for about idk 30 minutes then just left. i was all by myself trying to scan all these things and i didnt even have my uniform yet. people were getting mad and in the end somehow i ended up with 262 bucks missing from my drawer. i guess i messed up on something. but they actually made my trainer pay it cause the left me.

  7. Just be yourself, friendly open and honest and do your best.  And don't dwell on it.
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