
First time i ever got drunk?

by  |  earlier

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i was drinking with my friends and i got drunk for the first time and i was very nauseous. does this mean every time i get drunk i will be nauseous and possible throw up




  1. It's different for everyone. I can't say what will happen to you, but personally when i first started drinking i'd allways throw up.. now, 3 years on, I never puke when i drink.. and i drink a lotttttt more than i used to!

    Your tolerance gets higher the more you drink too, and genetics, diet, weight, etc all play a part.

  2. Not necessarily. I've experienced different symptoms when I've been drunk. There have been a few times when I vomited. There have been times I had headaches and dizziness the next day. And even other times I felt normal the next day.  I have never had the same symptoms and I'm talking about actually being really drunk- not buzzed.

  3. yes. Even the fiftieth time you get drunk there is high possibility you will puke. It also sometimes depends on how much you drink when you are drunk, or to get drunk.  

  4. those are both very common when someone gets drunk...but it depends on some toher things too: like how much you ate before you started drink, and how much did you continue to eat while you drank...if you dont eat anything or very little, your drinking on an empty stomach which means its very [possible that youll get sick!

    also depends on what you drink...maybe one liquor just makes you more sick than another...also if you mix your liquors then youll be more likely to get sick!

  5. It is different for different people. The first time I got drunk on 3 beers lol. I was underage (16 and legal age here in NZ is 18) and the only thing I was allowed was beer as it isn't as strong. Then as I went to more and more parties it increased and i was able to drink about 5-6 in a night and not really feel sick or anything. I can tolerate quite a lot of alcohol and not feel sick. In fact I've only ever felt sick once and that was drinking too much vodka. I was sitting down the whole time and 4 hours later stood up and instantly fell over and it was a struggle just walking (embarrissing). So yeah, some people can tolerate more or less than others. Some types of drink also affect you more. I avoid too much vodka or those pop mixed drinks now as I know it makes me feel sick and it tastes really good which means I tend to drink too much. Never get trashed, it's not good for your body and when you throw up it means your body is in survival mode and you are poisening youself. I have never thrown up while drunk. I just stop drinking when I feel sick and drink water and have something to eat.  

    So my advice is, you will get to know what you can tolerate, your tolerance level may increase as you drink more and don't sit down and drink and drink without standing up once and a while to see if you can still stand!

  6. well,if you drink unmixed spirits you wind up feeling sick for a few minutes afterwards. Too much and you get very low-level alcohol poisioning, and maybe the beginnings of a hangover

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