
Fish Feeding Question???

by  |  earlier

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I have 8 fish. My red coral gouarmi eats EVERYTHING. He doesen't leave anything for the rest of the tank. I feed them blood worms/ flakes and sometimes brine shrimp. What can I do? Thanks!




  1. Maybe try to separate them with a net. Feed as normal as soon as you can see he has had enough take as big of a net as possible to separate him from the others in like a corner of the tank and let the others feed. Either that or you may have to consider putting him in his own tank.

  2.   Feed a little more in quantity, put some food at one end of the tank and some food at the other end of the tank at the same time. This will allow the other fish a chance to get some of the food. Or you can get rid of the gourami. ( just kidding) Break the food up and disperse it into the tank so it is all over, it can't get to all of it at once.


  3. Wafers are the answer. Gourami are top feeders and greedy too. You can get variety wafers which will feed all those at the bottom. Some may pick them up and swim around with them. I have one fish which guards his like a dog, seeing off all the others.  

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