
Fish Oil supplement and Vegetarianism?

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Ok, I want to be a good vegetarian for animal rights and not a hypocrit. I've been taking a fish oil supplement every morning for various health reasons. The stuff really helps me but am I being a hypocrit?




  1. Try flax seed oil instead.  It has the same benefits without the cruelty involved in fish oil.  Remember that the fishing industry is overfishing and polluting the oceans and the fish are tainted with mercury.

    Flax seed oil is great.  Research it.  Terrific health benefits.

  2. Fish oil is not vegetarian.  Period.  There is no dietary requirement for fish oil and no reason why you need to be taking it.  Fish do not produce omega-3, they eat it.  You can get it from flax seeds, flax oil, walnuts, or you can get it from the same place the fish get it: marine microalgae, which you can get in veg-friendly supplemental form.  If you feel like you must take supplements, there are vegetarian options for all of them and therefore no excuse to take a non-vegetarian supplement.

  3. Well maybe hypocrite is not the right word. Maybe misinformed is a better one. You actually can use flax seed oil which is actually higher in omega threes and other essentially fatty acids.

    Besides the oceans being vastly over fished (imagine trawlers bigger than several football fields and nets that stretch for miles that go from the top to the bottom catching everything in its way) in many fisheries to the point of collapse I have heard that something like 37% of all fish oil is rancid by the time it gets to the market. This is because they have to catch most of the fish out at sea and take the time to get it processed etc. Flax  however is usually processed right away and or can be stored safely longer term.

    Now that you know this healthy vegan alternative why don't you begin a more whole way of living the compassionate and healthy lifestyle you are desiring?

  4. No, not necessarily.  If you need to do something for your health reasons, go ahead and do it.  Your health is more important, and you have a legitimate reason.  Vegetarianism is not an all-or-nothing issue, and you shouldn't let the fact that you need to take this supplement stop you from being vegetarian.

  5. A person wouldn't be vegetarian if they consume fish oil. There is no reason to take fish oil when flax seeds carry so many health benefits and DHA is derived from algae.

  6. no not at all. your not eating the stuff,  it's a vitamin not food. if that's the case then u couldn't take any kind of vitamin or supplement

  7. Listen carefully.  You-are-not-a-veg-it-arian.  Consuming animal products is not something vegetarians do.  It doesn't matter if it's oil from an animal.  It doesn't matter if it's in pill form.  It is still from an animal.  

    That would be like me asking if it's alright if I take a beef oil supplement every morning.  

    I'm sorry to be rude, but I really wish people would read up on vegetarianism before they called themselves such.

  8. Vegetarians do not take fish oil.

  9. Flax seed oil is the way to go...

    Omega 3, 5 and 12..without the fish....

    Don't get the capsules.. Keep it in the fridge.

    Only buy 500ml at a time, as it doesn't have a long shelf life.

    One tablespoon in the morning...Yum yum eck..

    It's actually not bad..

  10. I have a friend who considers herself a vegetarian, but eats seafood.  There is a word for it, but I can't remember what it is.  I think it's cheating, but I don't think the fish oil is really making you a hypocrit.

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