
Fish for a 10 gallon tank?

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i am 16 and i want some fish that are big but cheap and that are colourful and that are easy to clean up after and that can be compatible with smaller fish and that eat live fish and can live with live plants




  1. lol you don't want much do you? o.k. seriously, you can't put a big fish

    in that size tank,  and no small fish eat live fish exclusively.  

  2. "compatible with smaller fish and that eat live fish "

    Umm.. which one?

    Seriously, 10gal is a small tank, yes you can keep fish in one, but you need to think small. No large predatory fish need apply.

    Start thinking Dwarf gourami, Cory catfish, live bearers, small tetras. Start out with those, and once you can keep them happily in your 10gal tank THEN think about a bigger tank and some more exciting or larger fish.

    Good Luck


  3. really not much u can get for a 10 gallon that eats live food cuz they end up geting big. but u could try a spotted puffer fish they stay small long time mybe in year buy a 20 gallon they eat ghost shrimp and really small fish

  4. corydoras

    bristle nose pleco (will eventually get too big)

    female bettas (they dont usualy fight)

    male betta (depends on what small fish you have)

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