
Fish tank question????

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I am a beginner at taking care of fish. I am buying a 6 gallon tank, and plan on buying 4 tetras. Before I buy the fish, I want to be sure my tank is ready and safe.

Is there anything missing from that tank that I need besides decorations, gravel, thermometer, heater, and plants?





  1. All you need is a filter (you dont even need that if your gonna clean the tank by hand) some thing that bubbles for air, a heater, thermometer, water, and fish food! basically any tank set up will do that should come with what you need. You dont need anything besides what you listed. You may want nutriens or dechlorinator and other fish health supplies. also give them a place to hide fake plants or rocks anything will do.

  2. No, the eclipse systems should come with filter cartridges to keep your water clean. The only thing you should make sure of is that your tank has been running for a week before you add the fish. Also, Do NOT use tap water. Try to use reverse osmosis treated water or de-chlorinated water at least.

  3. Having a water test kit would be a good idea, that way you can monitor the water. Its especially important to monitor the chemicals in the water of newly established tanks like yours. You can get a kit to test for nitrate, nitrite, ph, hardness, and alkalinity all in one at walmart for like $10. Ammonia test kit would also be good but thats another $10. Other than that i think youve got everything you need, oh and make sure to do some research online about whatever fish you want to get before you get it, its always a good idea to be well informed and prepared especially when dealing with fish theyre pretty delicate creatures and can die easily if not taken care of properly.

    Nice tank but kinda costly. You could get a 10 gallon tank kit at walmart for cheaper and it comes with heater, filter, water conditioner, and light. Youll still need to get the gravel and decorations. Just a suggestion of course.

    Good Luck with your first tank and enjoy! ;)

  4. Oh, how exciting that your getting a new fish tank! We just got another one a few weeks ago, a 30 gallon one!

    Some extra things that i like to put in my fish tank when starting them up are the air stones connected to the air pump and line. This gives plenty of oxygen to the water, and looks cool too! Some of my fish even like to play in the bubbles (especially the tetras and barbs.)

    Did you get a filter? Most tanks usually come with one anyways.

    And undergravel filter is cool. We use one, but its not a must.

    Oh, if you could, also try at least one real plant. I mean, if you were a fish, wouldnt you want at least one real plant in your home? lol

    Once you get the fish tank set up, you can buy some stuff at the petstore to help make the water ready. I buy water conditioner, because if you used sink water, there could be some chemicals in it that arent good for fish. I bought the water conditioner and 'anti virus' (which keeps the water healthy), for about $6 bucks all together.

    Good luck, and have fun picking out your fish!
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