
Fishing...your view.?

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Is Fishing a good sport or just cruelty to fish..




  1. How can it be cruel if you throw them back anyway? Most fishermen I know are very considerate of the fish.

    Anyway it might be quite exciting being a fish and getting caught, after all its not like they got anything better to do!!

  2. I dont see how a fish caught many times and thrown back,can be a happy fish with a dozen holes in its mouth.

    I dont see the justification for any sport that involves cruelty to animals for the fun of it .i think some of our brave hunters should be sent to" the planet of the apes" ,and see what its like from the opposite point of view i bet it wouldnt be a fun sport then would it ¡

  3. Took my girls a few times it was good,as for the crulty part it was for dodds getting out of bed at 3am!

  4. sport fishing is fun... if you're taking a fish home either to eat, just be sure  it's within size regulations... (we want to be able to fish in the future too, so dont take home the baby fish!)

    the best compromise, i think, is to catch and release.  you get the thrill of catching a fish.. and the fish gets to live another day...

    i dont go hunting other animals, but if you compare it to that.. sure, you may be hooking a fish.. but you can throw it back if its not the fish you want.  but i dont see the fun in shooting an animal when death is pretty much it's only fate.  thats just my opinion...

    i also dislike anglers who take everything they get... small fish, large fish.. out of season fish... it takes the fun out of fishing for everyone.. not just for the season, but for future fishing seasons.

  5. As someone whos had a fishing hook go in their face and pulled so hard the line snapped when my brother cast out, i can honestly say it didnt hurt, not even when my dad pulled it out with molegrips!  So no, its not cruel, as long as any fish taken are for the table.

  6. Killing an animal for food is one thing, but hurting an animal as a pointless activity as 'sport' is something which should not happen. I just wish all the people that hurt animals in any manner which does not relate to food, could feel the same pain as the animals feel. If there are any anglers out there, try sticking a large hook into your mouth and see how much it hurts. Fishing should be banned along with all other 'sports' that use animals and cause unneccessary suffering.

  7. Its a very good sport to relax. Nothing better than going to a lake or river away from everything to get a bit of peace and quiet at weekends after working hard during the week.

  8. Fishing is a fantastic sport, it teaches kids how to respect the countryside, and how to care for the fish they catch without causing damage to them. It keeps them away from ps2 and gameboys, and gives them fresh air. it should be made law to fish every other day!

  9. its not terrible when u put the fish back where it came from

  10. I think the dictionary explanation of Fishing is - "pointless excercise practiced by people with too much time on their hands"?

    Could be wrong though?

  11. fishing is a top sport in my opinion

  12. if you catch them and throw them back in and let them live then yes it's a good sport but if you keep them and eat them then that's cruelty to fish.

  13. Dont fish but it seems OK to me, whatevers wrong with sticking a big steel hook in a fishes mouth and dragging it into our waterless world for it to gasp whilst we photograph it

  14. Seems pretty cruel to me.  I'd never take it up - seems like sitting there doing absolutely nothing for hours on end.  As far as I can see the only advantage of going fishing is that it gets you away from the wife for as long as you want to.

  15. if you like to eat fish then there is nothing wrong with it,but if you only like the sport of it then I suggest the catch and release practice.

  16. I think fishing seems to be a very relaxing sport, but it can be a bit cruel, but it doesn't bring much harm. Most of the fishmen I have kayaked past think that my kayak is a dangerous and cruel weapon on the water, and so they shout at me. Which is a bit unfair, so I shout back. But fishing is a nice sport, I havetryed it a few times before and found it quite nice.

    PLUS you can't really say it is cruel because people all over the world have to fish to survive. Some people even fish for seals etc. So it is a good thing. And it may seem pointless when you throw the fish back and wait ages to catch another, but with everyone in the world having to get so many things done in such little time as possible, I think it would be great to be able to go somewhere quite, think, and relax. How much people are able to do that now? Espically us young people who have to go and write they're names over different surfaces and see what it comes out like. Cos if anything I think what people are doing to destroy this world is pointless and boring!

  17. Its boring

  18. Fab!  When you know what you are doing.  Nothing beats getting away for a long weekend, round a lake, Bivvy up, BBQ on the go and watching for the tell tale gravel disturbance!

    Peace Perfect Peace!  

    PB only a 16lb Mirror ;)

  19. My opinion is that for a sport yes it is cruel but if you plan to eat the fish (therefore giving a better reason to fish in the first place) it's ok - that's just what I think. I have fished a lot but always with the intent to eat the fish fresh.

  20. Pointless, when all you do is throw it back!!!

  21. Yes it is a sport.  If you get pretty good there are lots of compititions to go with the sport.  If you try different kinds of fishing it may be more enjoyable.
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