
Fitness in Football (Aussie Rules)?

by  |  earlier

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G'day guys, basically I'm 17 and used to play footy and i decided to take a year off last year and decided to do the same this year, partly becuase I lost interest and wanted to focus on school and the other being I'm pretty lazy :P

But the thing is my fitness has gone done the toilet while I've not being playing, but I'm planning on playing next year since I've regained somewhat of an interest back in the game.

So my question is what can I do to get my fitness back to were it was, I live in a country town so there is no gyms so any ideas?

any help would be great




  1. Become a brickies laborer and run Forest Run... As my coach used to say if you can run 50 laps in 100 minutes with 10 push ups between each lap you will be a superstar son... This will take a few months to do be it can be done...

    Get your fitness back and when pre season start you will be in front of your team mates... Kicking and bouncing the ball when run will help pas the time plus get you the ball skills you need...

    Go see your next years coach or club if you can.... see if they can help you...

    Buy a football tommorow...

  2. Well, Well, Well. We have a real hot hottie right here, I'd say to dance!!!!

  3. Aussie Rules is one of those sports that requires not only strength, but endurance as well.

    I would work on a six day a week program alternating cardio and anaerobic(lifting)

    For the aerobic obviously jogging is great, swimming as well, and if you have some hills near by that would be great as well.

    For the anaerobic,  google the nearest big town and check for used sporting good stores and their newspapers want ads for used free weights. They aren't real expensive to begin with and very cheap used and what the heck can you do to free weights might as well save your money and buy them used. All you need is a bar and might as well get a few extra dumbbell bars so you can have different wgts handy, and a bench, it doesn't have to be anything fancy just stable. And dint forget to work on you abs and lower back.

    There are a ton of free websites that you can go to and figure whats the best weight routine for you.

    Best of luck its a great game. I spent 5 months in OZ in 01 and really got to love it.

  4. well you have a bit of time before next years's season starts but your 17 and if your still at school your probably going to find it hard to train, so maybe you should start after school finishes because if your in year 12 then u should finish in about 4 months which leaves u a pretty solid 6 months to get fit.

    In that time i would suggest mainly running to improve your overall fitness, this is probably more vital because in AFL if you only built yourself up without any fitness than you'll find when you start that you've wasted your time because you wouldnt be able to keep up with the fast pace of the game

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