
Fixing Your Credit question?

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often here on yahoo answers, someone would ask a question about there credit such as, " how do i go about fixing my credit myself?". People would answer the question by saying pay your debts, re-establish your credit by making payments on time (not early), blah, blah blah, etc, etc. And usually right after saying all that, they finish their answer with, "it will take time but you can do it". My question is, what does it mean, "it will take time"? What exactly takes time... making payments, the credit score going up, etc? Also, what time frame are we talking?




  1. Well it can take time for your score to go up, depending on how you go about repairing it.

    If you have a bunch of collection accounts that are recent, and you get them removed (by demand to validate letters, disputes or pay for deletes) then your score would go up greatly the second those accounts are removed.

    So it really depends on your situation to determine how long it will take to fix your credit.

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