
Flashing Light in the Sky? helps

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so like I was watchin tv and I see flashing out my window, at first I thought my porch light was going out, but then go outside the the whole sky is flashing with light on and off, this is in California and there hasn't been any clouds, rain, or anything at all, and I can hear no thunder at all and it's like the sky is flashing on and off... is this just lightning or what?




  1. have you ever heard of heat lightning?

  2. ah ha. it is likely your poor american diet has caused a lapse of blood circulating to your brain.  a flash like such can occur when this is the case. ah haha ah ha.

  3. Yes. Stuff like this makes me glad I'm not from Cali. No offense.

  4. i once saw a bright dot of light like 3x brighter than a star in the sky then it moved and made a line across the sky, then it sort of flashed really big and disapeared..

  5. What you're referring to is commonly referred to as Heat Lightning. Actually there is no such thing as Heat Lightning except for the fact that people use the term quite frequently. The heat actually had nothing to do with the flashes of lightning but rather the lightning occurs often on hot summer days. What you're seeing is lightning from a distant thunderstorm that is too far away for the sound waves to reach you and be heard. Thunder rarely travels more than 10 miles.

    Lightning is possible to see over 100 miles away so the storms you saw might have very well been over the mountains or the ocean. It's a rather exciting way to enjoy nature's beauty without the risk of being struck by lightning!!!  

  6. is it really hot out?  If so it could just be heat lightning, its just light reflecting off the heat and humidity.  Its happend where i am.   It cant hurt u like lightning can, and it dosent produce thunder.  hope this helps!!<3

  7. Actually yes it might be lightning since there are scattered thunderstorms around Cali

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