
Flexibility & a ligament thing?

by  |  earlier

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i can get my splits down quite low, about a hands length or less to the floor, but i cant get my leg beyond 90 degrees in an arbesque. my penchee isnt much better either, or my grands battements... is this just because i dont have the floor to push against?

oh, ive also got this weird tweaky feeling in a ligament in my knee. its the left leg, on the inside. it doesnt hurt, but i can feel it when i do arabesques and attitudes sometimes. is it worth seeing the doctor about?




  1. the arabesque problem may be down to not enough flexibility in your back.  I had this problem a few years ago when I was about 10 but if you work on that it should be easier.

    On your grands battements remember to your feet properly to force your leg upwards.  I know this sounds weird but as you swing one leg up push that hip down towards the ground and try to make the opposite side of your body as long as possible.  It really does work.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Improving your diet may add to your suppleness.  Here's a page on the Mediterranean diet:

    Knees often 'creak'; I wouldn't worry about it unless it becomes inflamed or painful.

    Keep practicing!

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