
Flight attendant in malta?

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hi im 15 male and i wish to become a flight attendant from where do i have to start i know im a still young but i want to know if this is possible in malta anyone knows a site or some information of flight attendants in malta europe ? and from where to start here in malta ? i dont know if we have schools or courses in here so some research will be very apriciated cause im very confused thanks !!!




  1. You're thinking early! I'm an ex-Flight Attendant.  

    I don't know how early you can be hired but finish your education first. I flew with two airlines and most were taken at age 20-22, many much later... It's very difficult to finish a degree or course once you start flying so complete whatever level of education first, before applying, even when you're old enough.

    You have a national airline, Air Malta;

    If you are Maltese, you are an EU citizen so you could get a job with any EU company. The only barrier would be the language, i.e. you'd need to speak very fluent German to work for Lufthansa, Hungarian for Malev, etc. English is always required.

    Also, if you speak Maltese, I would really recommend that you take a course in Arabic. Since spoken Maltese is close to Arabic, you only have to learn Arabic script (which actually isn't that tough). A lot of Arabic/English translators are actually Maltese. Not only is this a very useful tool for any job you want to do but you would then be a prime candidate for any Middle East company, who hire a lot of people from Europe.

    Meanwhile, if you take any kind of employment in the next few years, try to get "people contact" jobs. Since Malta is big on tourism, this shouldn't be too difficult. Working in an isolated office wont prepare you. Also find out if working with the public is your "thing" before you train for the F/A job.

    You may want to look into whatever Malta's qualfications for hotel work are, and that way not only would that be a good route (or even requirement) for the airlines but give you another similar career option.

    Working for the airlines is tough but great fun. I've lived in 5 countries and visited almost 60. Great photos, great memories and I try not to bore my friends with the stories... But it is also unstable. Airlines go bust, make people redundant and the hours are also a bit crazy. It's not for everyone. You can do similar jobs if certain aspects of this career don't appeal so keep an open mind.

    Good luck!

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