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Im 18 (and female) and ive never had a real boyfriend.I have been with this guy I met online for 3 years, I love him but i cant take being apart much longer (we never met though).I never dated in highschool.No one has ever asked me out.I just am so socially akward.I dont know how to flirt or when someone is flirting with me.I dont know if I should stay with the guy im comfortable with but feel so alone with or if I should try to branch out.What do you think?Im so confused.Thanks.




  1. It always helps to go out and meet people in person.  Being online doesn't help real social and human relation skills.

  2. don't stay with your so-called "boyfriend" online. he is probably not even who he says he is and is a sexual mellestor trying to get in your pants. its dangerous! and he may say he is an 18 year old boy but really he may be a 45 year old perv.

    i think you should branch out and find a bf that you KNOW! and not just someone you met online!



  3. well you should definately branch out you need to open up to more people and eventually you find someone who you are comfortable with.

  4. No, get a real boyfriend online stuff doesnt work out unless you see each other once in a while maybe. If you take good care of yourself some one has to like you even if you are not too social maybe tell one of your friend to tell a guy that you like him so he can start hitting on you.

  5. You should be careful with on-line dating you never know who is really the person on the end of the screen you claim to love. You need to go out and meet people in person and stop going on-line. I think you're doing this because you feel more confident talking on-line than meeting guys in person. Flirting comes's all about teasing and doing non sexual innocent things like bating eyes lashes, touching someones arm while they talk to you, looking deeply into someones eyes when they talk to you, etc. Just use your imagination! Flirting comes easy to us girl's anyways  good luck!

  6. Your only 18 years old, there will be plenty of men coming your way.  Just be yourself.

  7. you really cant trust guys you meet online! they become another person online just to impress girls!(yo might not knw the guys past) i think you should just wait!

  8. thats just the way you are, dont worry, i was much the same...I also had an oline bf for ages and finally we met...sadly we just lasted together one day...i was crazy for him but he just didnt feel the match...

    Afterwar i dated 2 or 3 more guys whom i also met online but at some point started geting fed up with distances and thought of the risk of dating someone you met online...anyway, Thanks God things ended wll and happy for me, I went to a religious website and met couple of guys...and actually ended up married with one and ts really good

  9. An online relationship is not a real relationship, as you have already acknowledged in your question.   It has to be very unfulfilling to maintain a cyber-boyfriend.    It's definitely time to branch out.   Go out with your friends and/or coworkers when they are socializing, so you have the opportunity to meet more people.   Get a good friend to tell you how you can jazz up your appearance a little, by changing your makeup or wearing something new.   You sound like a sweet person, and I'm sure there is someone out there (a REAL person) who would be delighted to go out with you.
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