
Flush system of alcohol and drugs?

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what is the best liquid to drink to flush the system of alcohol and drugs within 48 hours? I have been told not to drink caffeine, but I also just read that caffeine is a diuretic, and to drink it, so please help me!




  1. The only way to "flush" alcohol and drugs from your body is to #1 stop consuming them. #2 let your body metabolize them and excrete the metabolites. Your liver does most of the work so it is important to keep your liver healthy. Water, juice, and various supplements only assist your body in metabolizing and do not actually flush them out of your system. Caffeine dehydrates you. You need to maintain hydration for your body to function at its best.

  2. maybe u shouldnt be doing them. drugs are bad, and so are you.

  3. drink lots of water. when i say a lot i mean like 20 each day. eating red meat and excersising has also helped. i heard taking a couple aspirins can help to if you take it right before the test.

  4. You can't. Your body has to metabolize them.

    Depending on what drugs you are talking about, it could take up to 30 days.

    YOu can'tlfush them, you can't mask them, bleach doesn't work,and if you try to use someone else's urine, that's detectable too.

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