
Flying lessons (uk)?

by Guest63264  |  earlier

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do i need a provisional licence to start taking flying lessons in a light aircraft?




  1. Nope.

    You can fly from 10, but not log your hours until your 14.

    Before you can fly solo you need a Class 2 medical (about £180) and for an NPPL (National private pilots licence) a simple medical exam from your GP, which is just like a driving licence medical.

    Most flying schools also have you pass your Air Law exam before letting you fly solo.

  2. So long as you are over 14 you can start flying lessons although you will not be allowed to go solo until you are 16.

    Good luck and have fun.

  3. In response to adam above, he is correct except that for the NPPL it is not a medical exam. The NPPL medical is a self declaration countersigned by your GP. Essentially this means you sign to say you're fit to fly and your GP signs to say theres nothing in your record that says you're not. No examination required. Cost me £10 for my doctor's signature.

    All you need to start flying is a logbook, with the medical and insurance (if u fly a microlight, costs £150 max for solo) only being required at the solo stage. Most light aircraft schools cover you for your insurance. However, if you only want to fly for fun, look into microlights, some of the modern fixed wing ones are just like light aircraft, but cheaper to fly. And you can't beat a flexwing for fun imho.You can also get an NPPL for light aircraft and motorgliders.

    As said already for a JAR PPL for light aircraft you need to have class 2 examination done by an authorised AME (at Gatwick) at a cost of around £150. If you want to go commercial after PPL training you require a Class 1 which is about £350.

    I realised this is totally deviating from the subject so I'll leave it here :) and no there is no provisional licence.

  4. No, there is no porvisional licence for flying.

    However before you can be allowed to fly on your own (solo) you will need a medical certificate and to be at least 16.

    To get a pilots medical certificate you will need to go to a authorised aviation medical examiner.

    Under new rules, a simpler form signed by your GP may suffice. Ask your flying school.

  5. go to a flying club to sort you out
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