
Food for good eyesight???

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My eyesight was okay a few days ago...But one day everything seemed blurred...

The doc says that I'm myopic & need corrective lenses of power -0.25 D.....

He says I need to have good food & cod liver oil...But being a vegan, I don't wanna have it...

I'm also a soccer goalkeeper & need great eyesight....

Is there any chance of me gettin' better with good food...Plz suggest some food items (for vegans), needed for good eyesight...

I don't wanna lose my place in my team.... :(

Plz don't give rubbish answers!!!




  1. carrots:)

    thats what my mum used to tell me .x

  2. Carrots and leafy greens.  There's also been unconfirmed (I think) links between high amounts of vegetable oil and eyesight problems.  I just can't remember which specific veg oil it was - canola I think.  So lots of stirfrys with sesame or olive oil!  Also try doing eye exercises - I'm sure you'd be able to look some up.  Like focussing on something really close, then quickly focussing on something far away and keep repeating.  There's lots of others.  Good luck!

  3. You can eat all the good foods and take all the vitamins you want but those are for overall eye health, they are not going to make your vision better. The cause for bad vision is thickness of your cornea and where the light hits the back of your eye and the only way to change that is to get lasik surgery. Now you can get eyeglasses or contacts but that only changes the focal point while your wearing them it doesnt actually do anything to the eye its self.

  4. I heard from lots of people that carrots are...

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